
Sun, Jul

THE 2019 BPTT Carenage All-Star Football League seems set for an exciting season, following its official launch which produced a nail-biting finish to an exhibition match between a Carenage All-Star representative team and top professional club San Juan Jabloteh at Carenage Recreation Ground, recently.

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IT TOOK a bit of luck to separate the two teams as Elijah Payne scored the lone goal directly from a corner kick to see Edinburgh 500 Police Youth Club (PYC) capture the inaugural Commissioner’s Cup with a 1-0 victory over Signal Hill PYC at the Police Barracks, St James yesterday.

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2019 Red Bull Neymar Jr 5 World Finals

SOUTH SIDE FC, a “sweat match” team of amateur footballers from south Trinidad, experienced what they described as a World Cup of sorts and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when they represented T&T recently at the 2019 Red Bull Neymar Jr 5 World Finals in Guaruja, Brazil.

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Gairy John is now a house­hold name in the Ch­agua­nas com­mu­ni­ty in which his foot­ball acad­e­my pro­vides an av­enue and an op­por­tu­ni­ty for young boys and girls to de­vel­op their skills and use their spare time in a pro­duc­tive man­ner that brings joy to the com­mu­ni­ty.

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