
Tue, Jul
Match Report
Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago
Jamaica T&T flag

International Friendly
1965-08-05National StadiumKingston, Jamaica8000

Local squad trounce Trinidad 4-0

PLAYING ALTERNATELY brilliant and listless football Jamiaca overwhelmed Trinidad 4-0 at the National Stadium last night before a disappointing crowd of about 8,000. Jamaica joins Arsenal in the lead in the Independence Football Festival, both teams beating Trinidad.

The local team meets Arsenal in the deciding game tomorrow at the National Stadium.

Jamaica was quickest on the move and in the first 10 minutes two movements involving centre forward and captain Lascelles Dunkley could have ended in goals for Jamaica, but hesitancy wiped out the chances.

As in their game against Arsenal Tuesday night when they were defeated 3-1, Trinidad relied on the long ball to get them into the goal area but good defence work held them at bay.

Jamaica scored first in the 26th minute. Dunkley collected a short pass from linkman Lloyd McLean, fought his way past a pack of defenders and push past goalkeeper Lincoln Phillips.

Trinidad tried hard for the equalizer but repeated offside violations and good goalkeeping by Dan Clarke kept the ball out of the Jamaican goal.

The second

In the 35th minute Jamaica, whose play had been listless after the first 15 minutes, exploded. A lob from David Sanguinetti was headed goalwards by Dunkley. The ball appeared to be beating Phillips, but Welsh dashing from the left wing made certain by blasting it into the net.

The third goal came a minute later when Welsh made a solo run down the right wing and flashed a right footer past a diving Phillips. Referee Nell Dwyer's whistle ended the half with Jamaica leading 3-0.

Jamaica made one change for the start of the second half. Larry Wynter coming in for schoolboy Sanguinetti.

There was little purpose to Jamaica's play in the first 20 minutes of the second half as they seemed content with their lead. Trinidad tried hard to get an attack started, but the Jamaica defence, strengthened by the inclusion of Wynter, kept them at bay.

Trinidad's schoolboy star, Bobby Sookram, who scored his team's lone goal against Arsenal, got a glorious chance to make the score 3-1 after two Jamaican goals had been disallowed. Sookram shot hard and to Clark's left but the Jamaican goalkeeper, who was the star of the night's play, dived and brought off a brilliant save.

Jamaica got her fourth goal in the 31st minute just after Paul Thomas replaced Lloyd McLean who had a good game. Oscar Black on the left wing headed powerfully from a Welsh corner kick. The ball hit the inside of the upright and went onto the ground and was cleared by a Trinidadian defence man but referee Dwyer blew his whistle for a goal as the Trinidadian had been standing in the goal.

Before the match the teams were presented to the Acting Prime Minister the Hon. Donald Sangster.

 Lincoln Phillips
 Everald Cummings
 Leopold Sookram
 Amerigo Brunner