
Wed, Jun

Naparima College 1999 placing: Champions

LAST year Naparima took it all. They placed first in the South Zone and also won the national Big 4 title and the Intercol trophy.

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ST ANTHONY'S College, defending champions of the BWIA Secondary Schools Colleges Football League, open their 2000 campaign with a match against one of the most experienced teams in the league.

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Warning! Clear the way. The "Big Truck" coming through. St Benedict's College continues to be a dominant force in Secondary Schools football and while they extended their stature as a football superpower in Secondary Schools football by winning the Coca-Cola Intercol final 3-1 against Princes Town Senior Comprehensive,the success  has been dedicated to former principal Dom Basil Matthews.

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El Dorado Snr Comprehensive
1999 placing-Champions

El Dorado Senior Comprehensive’s footballers will this year be bidding to prove that a different cast doesn’t necessarily mean a different script.

Easy winners last season, ElDo will be forced to do without some key players. The creativity of Kwame Wiltshire, the craftiness of Abede Fernandes, the strength of Kirth Hutchings and the sturdiness of Devin Jordan and Michael Julius in defence will all be missing from coach Trevor Spicer’s line-up for the 2000 campaign. But Spicer still has the services of Junior Pamponette, Kevin James, Sterlin O’Brien and Jaboree Lamsie to try to mould a title-winning team once more. Despite the major loss of experience and skill, a confident manager John Henry expects that the new players will combine with the returning seniors to write the same “Blue Thunder” screenplay.

They would still be quite content if it is not as elaborate as last season’s.

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This year, the South Zone of the Secondary Schools Football League had cause for much celebration as they helped themselves to welcomed success in the recently concluded season. St Benedict's College, Naparima College and Princes Town SC all left the Southern supporters with a proud feeling at the end of  three months of football.

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TWO Sundays ago, football fans at the Queen’s Park Oval were treated to a very exciting National Championship (“Big Four”) final between Naparima and El Dorado.
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