
Fri, Jun

Colin Wharfe, CEO of the TTFA's Senior Men's League competitions

The start of this year’s T&T Premier Football League is well on course for March 10 for the tier one teams. Tier two, however, is scheduled to kick off at the end of April, league chief executive officer (CEO) Colin Wharfe has said.

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The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) alongside the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and FIFA has collaborated to successfully launch the new face of professional football in Trinidad and Tobago; The Trinidad and Tobago Premier Football League (TTPFL). During Monday’s launch at the Hyatt Regency, the League’s CEO Colin Wharfe provided a full rollout of the plans for the new league including the structure, governance, marketing plans, and the start date, which is set for March 10th, 2023.

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