
Fri, Jul

Look Loy dismayed over Pro League move.

PRESIDENT of the TT Super League, Keith Look Loy, is dismayed over the move by the Pro League to start their 2019-2020 season, hence cancelling any hopes for the inaugural T-League, which was supposed to be a combination of the Pro League and Super League.

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Pro League kicks off Oct 4.

The Board of the T&T Pro League con­firmed at a meet­ing yes­ter­day, that there will be a 2019/2020 foot­ball sea­son, and 12 clubs, in­clu­sive of Club San­do, which ini­tial­ly sup­port­ed an ex­ten­sion of the As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Foot­ball League, has agreed to play.

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