
Wed, Jul

Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA and Tiger Tanks Club San­do will share the lead at the top of the 2019/2020 T&T Pro League ta­ble for the two-week break for the Christ­mas hol­i­days, af­ter con­trast­ing re­sults in round one on Fri­day night.

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For­mer na­tion­al youth play­er Kishun Seecha­ran scored a first-half brace to lead Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers to an em­phat­ic 7-2 drub­bing of AC Port-of-Spain in round two of the T&T Pro League on Thurs­day night.

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Melvin Dox­il­ly scored a late equalis­er to help res­cue de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons W Con­nec­tion with a 1-1 draw against Morvant Cale­do­nia United in the open­ing round of match­es in the T&T Pro League on Fri­day night at the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex in Bagatelle, Die­go Mar­tin.

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De­fend­ing cham­pi­ons W Con­nec­tion will be­gin the long-await­ed de­fence of their T&T Pro League ti­tle to­day against Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed in the open­ing match of a dou­ble­head­er at the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex in Bagatelle, Diego Mar­tin, from 6 pm.

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