
Fri, Jan


Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA will hope to take a gi­ant step to­wards claim­ing the $250,000 top prize in the As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Foot­ball Tour­na­ment Di­vi­sion One when they tack­le Cunu­pia FC at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Mal­abar from 3.30 pm on Sat­ur­day.

Cur­rent­ly, Mor­vant Cale­do­nia sits atop the 12-team ta­ble with max­i­mum 24 points from eight match­es, two ahead of idle De­fence Force who has played a match more fol­lowed by Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers, Cunu­pia FC and San Juan Jabloteh with 17, 16 and 16 points re­spec­tive­ly.

A win on Sat­ur­day for Mor­vant Cale­do­nia will put them five points clear and need­ing to win one of their two re­main­ing fix­tures against De­fence Force (Sep­tem­ber 18) and FC San­ta Rosa (Sep­tem­ber 22) to claim the win­ners' cheque.

How­ev­er, a vic­to­ry or draw re­sult for the "Stal­lions" will leave the door open for the stut­ter­ing De­fence Force and the oth­er hope­fuls of reel­ing in the ta­ble lead­ers.

Else­where, Rangers will be at home to Po­lice FC at Phase II, La Hor­quet­ta Recre­ation Ground, from 6 pm while Jabloteh en­ter­tains Guaya Unit­ed at San Juan North Sec­ondary Ground, Bourg Mu­la­tresse Ground, San Juan from 4 pm, and on Sun­day, Prison Ser­vice and Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed will clash at Youth Train­ing Cen­tre Ground, Arou­ca from 4pm as well.

The chase for the $100,000 win­ners prize in Di­vi­sion Two is al­so far from over with De­porti­vo P.F and San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants lead­ing the ta­ble with 22 points from nine match­es each, a mere point ahead of the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT) while fourth-placed Po­lice FC has 18 points.

Al­so, Sat­ur­day, UTT will host Gi­ants at their UTT Cam­pus O'Meara Road, Ari­ma from 7 pm with the win­ners set to stake a fur­ther claim for the ti­tle while on Sun­day, De­porti­vo P.F faces Moru­ga FC at Ma­haica Oval, Pt Fortin from 5 pm, and Po­lice makes the jour­ney to To­ba­go to play Bethel Unit­ed at Mt Gomery Ground.

Match Sched­ule

Di­vi­sion One


T.L.H Rangers vs Po­lice FC, Phase II, La Hor­quet­ta Rec. Grd, 6 pm

Jabloteh vs Guaya Utd, San Juan North Sec. Grd, San Juan, 4 pm

Cunu­pia FC vs Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA, Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Mal­abar, 3.30 pm


Prison Ser­vice FC vs Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed, YTC Ground, Arou­ca, 4 pm

Di­vi­sion Two


UTT vs San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants, UTT Cam­pus, O'Meara Rd, 7 pm

Erin FC vs Club San­do Up­ris­ing Youths, Erin Rec. Grd, 6.30 pm

Harlem Strik­ers vs Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly C.C, Fred­er­ick Set­tle­ment Grd, 5.30 pm


De­porti­vo P.F vs Moru­ga FC, Ma­haica Oval, Pt Fortin, 5 pm

RSSR FC vs Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Utd, Curepe Rec. Grd, Knowles St, Curepe, 4 pm

Bethel Utd vs Po­lice FC, Mt Gomery Rec. Grd, 6 pm

Lat­est As­cen­sion Team Stand­ings

Di­vi­sion One

1. Mor­vant Cale­do­nia*8*8*0*0*21*6*24
2. De­fence Force*9*7*1*1*21*6*22
3. T L. H Rangers*8*5*2*1*29*6*17
4. Cunu­pia FC*9*5*1*3*20*13*16
5. Jabloteh*8*5*1*2*17*12*16
6. Club San­do*9*4*1*4*16*13*13
7. San­ta Rosa*9*3*2*4*14*17*11
8. QPCC*9*2*4*3*11*17*10
9. Po­lice FC*8*2*2*4*15*12*8
10. Guaya Unit­ed*9*2*0*7*6*21*6
11. Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed*9*1*1*7*8*37*4
12. Prison Ser­vice*9*0*1*8*7*24*1

Di­vi­sion Two

1. De­porti­vo*9*7*1*1*43*9*22
2. San F'do Gi­ants*8*7*1*0*26*3*22
3. UTT*9*6*3*0*24*11*21
4. Po­lice FC*9*6*0*3*12*15*18
5. Club San­do U/Youths*9*3*3*3*20*18*12
6. Moru­ga FC*9*3*2*4*14*13*11
7. Erin FC*9*3*1*5*13*19*10
8. Harlem Strik­ers*9*3*1*5*11*22*10
9. Bethel Unit­ed*9*2*2*5*12*25*8
10. RSSR FC*8*2*1*5*8*12*7
11. P.V/D.M*9*2*1*6*8*17*7
12. Mara­bel­la*9*1*0*8*6*33*3