
Fri, Feb


Ja­mal Creighton and Kadeem Corbin scored two goals each to lead Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta to a 7-0 ham­mer­ing FC San­ta Rosa in a resched­uled Di­vi­sion One clash in the As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Foot­ball Tour­na­ment on Wednes­day night.

A for­mer na­tion­al youth strik­er, Creighton opened the scor­ing in the 12th minute be­fore na­tion­al se­nior team winger, Ross Rus­sell Jr made it 2-0 in the 32nd, fol­lowed by Creighton's sec­ond a minute in­to time added on at the end of the first-half for a 3-0 cush­ion.

It did not take long for Rangers to con­tin­ue the on­slaught in the sec­ond-half with Samuel Delice (64th) and Corbin (67th) fir­ing in their fourth and fifth items in quick suc­ces­sion to put the re­sult firm­ly be­yond doubt.

Nine min­utes from full-time Jo­moul Fran­cois ex­tend­ed the ad­van­tage to 6-0 be­fore Corbin com­plet­ed the scor­ing with his sec­ond of the night in the 87th-minute.

The vic­to­ry lift­ed Rangers to the third spot with 20 points from ten match­es, but out of con­tention for the $250,000 top prize which will be de­ter­mined in Sun­day's fi­nal round of match­es, with lead­ers De­fence Force and Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA, the two teams in the hunt.

De­fence Force leads the stand­ings with 25 points from ten match­es af­ter ek­ing out a 1-0 win over Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA on Wednes­day night to leave the lat­ter sec­ond on the ta­ble a point be­hind, af­ter los­ing their last two match­es and miss­ing the chance to clinch the ti­tle.

The duo of Cunu­pia FC and San Juan Jabloteh are joint fourth with 19 points, but the lat­ter had a chance to go third on the ta­ble last night (Thurs­day) with a win over Queen's Park Crick­et Club at Dibe Recre­ation Ground, Long Cir­cu­lar.

The run­ners-up in Di­vi­sion One will col­lect $125,000 while the third-place team will pock­et $75,000.

Al­so on Wednes­day night, in Di­vi­sion Two, third-placed San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants had a chance to go top of their ta­ble ahead of the fi­nal round of match­es on Sun­day when they were due to meet third from bot­tom RSSR FC at Curepe Recre­ation Ground, Knowles Street, Curepe.

How­ev­er, the match did not come off as sched­uled and will now be de­ter­mined by the Tour­na­ment Com­mit­tee.

Cur­rent­ly, De­porti­vo P.F leads the ta­ble with 25 points from ten match­es, one ahead of the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T while San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants sit third with 22 points.

On Sun­day in the fi­nal round of match­es, Gi­ants and De­porti­vo P.F will meet at Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Train­ing Field, while UTT hosts Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre at O'Meara Road, Ari­ma, both from 4 pm.



T.L.H Rangers 7 (Ja­mal Creighton 12th, 45th, Ross Rus­sell Jr 32nd, Samuel Delice 64th, Kadeem Corbin 67th, 85th, Jo­moul Fran­cois 81st) vs FC San­ta Rosa 0

De­fence Force 1 (Jer­wyn Balt­haz­ar 95th) vs Mor­vant Cale­do­nia AIA 0


Club San­do 2 (Nion Lam­my 18th, 48th) vs Po­lice FC 1 (Ka­reem Fre­itas 68th)