
Fri, Jan


The De­fence Force foot­ball team has the op­por­tu­ni­ty to stop all the sus­pense in the As­cen­sion In­vi­ta­tion­al Foot­ball League which en­ters its fi­nal round of match­es at dif­fer­ent venues on Fri­day and on Sun­day.

But the Army Coast Guard Com­bi­na­tion men which lead the stand­ing with 25 points, will have to wait un­til Sun­day, for their chance to pop cham­pagne when they face Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed at the Diego Mar­tin Sports Com­plex at 4 pm.

How­ev­er, to­day, San Juan Jabloteh, the on­ly team ca­pa­ble of catch­ing the De­fence Force, will face a tough test when it comes up against Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers at La Hor­quet­ta from 6 pm.

The San Juan men are on 22 points, a po­si­tion that could see them move to 25 points, should they win on Fri­day.

The math­e­mat­ics though is that Jabloteh with a goal dif­fer­ence of 10, will need to win by sev­en clear goals and hope that the Army los­es on Sun­day af­ter­noon.

on Thurs­day, Kei­th Jef­frey, the Jabloteh coach said that what is im­por­tant for him on Fri­day is get­ting three points. He said the Army has been very con­sis­tent all sea­son and he does not see them let­ting up against Matu­ra, which does not even have the home-court ad­van­tage with the match be­ing played deep in the West­ern end of the coun­try.

"The last time we went in­to La Hor­quet­ta we were on the front foot. This time we will not be sit­ting back against the home team, be­cause I be­lieve we have a dy­nam­ic enough team to go in­to La Hor­quet­ta and leave with full points," Jef­freys said.

In spite of the Army's dom­i­nance, Jef­freys al­so be­lieves their big­ger con­cern is the creep­ing Cunu­pia FC team which can squeeze them out on goal dif­fer­ence with a win against Po­lice on Sun­day.

The La Hor­quet­ta Rangers are in the third po­si­tion with 20 points and will re­ceive the run­ner-up prize of $125,000 if they win on Fri­day.

Lat­est As­cen­sion Team Stand­ing

1*De­fence Force F.C*10*8*1*1*22*6*16*25
2*San Juan Jabloteh*10*7*1*2*23*13*10*22
3*Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers F.C*10*6*2*2*36*8*28*20
4*Cunu­pia F.C*10*6*1*3*23*13*10*19
5*Club San­do F.C*10*5*1*4*18*14*4*16
6*Po­lice F.C*10*3*2*5*18*14*4*11
7*F.C. San­ta Rosa*10*3*2*5*14*24*-10*11
9*Guaya Unit­ed F.C*10*2*0*8*7*24*-17*6
10*Prison Ser­vice F.C*10*1*1*8*11*27*-16*4
11*Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed F.C*10*1*1*8*11*41*-30*4