
Fri, Feb


T&T’s San Juan Jabloteh end­ed their cam­paign at this year’s Sco­tia­bank Con­ca­caf Un­der-13 Cham­pi­ons League with a fourth straight loss from as many match­es, 0-2 against Cha­pu­lineros de Oax­a­ca of Mex­i­co in the losers quar­ter­fi­nals at the Cos­ta Ri­can Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion Sports Com­plex, in San Jose, Cos­ta Ri­ca on Wednes­day.

Com­ment­ing on the dis­play of his team, Jabloteh Tech­ni­cal Di­rec­tor, Kei­th Jef­freys said his team had on­ly it­self to blame for the loss af­ter miss­ing five one-one-one chances as well as an open goal with no goal­keep­er in­sight.

Jabloteh, mak­ing their fourth straight ap­pear­ance in the com­pe­ti­tion was forced to con­test the losers plate quar­ter­fi­nals af­ter end­ing bot­tom of their four-team Pool A round-robin se­ries with three de­feats.

On Sat­ur­day last, Guer­reros de Coahuila of Mex­i­co de­feat­ed Jabloteh 3-1 with goals from Car­los De La Cruz (28th), Emil­iano Cam­pos (30th) and Gio­van­ni Ale­mon (44th) af­ter the T&T club led through a sec­ond-minute strike from Ra­heem Mo­han.

A day lat­er Jabloteh went un­der to Cana­da’s Mon­tre­al Im­pact 4-1 with Sorin Ziane hav­ing a brace (1’, 30+2’), while Et­tiene Godin (40th) and An­toine N’Di­aye (53rd) added one each. Mo­han again tal­lied Jabloteh's lone item in the 23rd.

And on Mon­day in their fi­nal Pool A round-robin match, Jabloteh fell by a sim­i­lar 4-1 mar­gin to pool win­ners, San­ta Ana of El Sal­vador.

Both Ger­ar­do Con­tr­eras (18th & 20th) and Ri­car­do Vil­la­toro (30th & 39th) bagged braces for San­ta Ana af­ter Lin­dell Sween had giv­en Jabloteh, a sev­enth-minute ad­van­tage.

Last year, Jabloteh was oust­ed in the main draw quar­ter­fi­nals by Pana­ma’s CD Plaza Ama­dor af­ter a 5-0 loss.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian