
Sun, Jun


LOCAL CORPORATE bodies Carib Brewery Limited and Blink/Bmobile are both unsure of their future involvement with the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF), following a levy order taken by 13 Soca Warriors players against the local governing body last Wednesday.

Colin Murray, sponsorship and events manager of Carib, noted, “Carib’s deal with the national team came to an end at the end of the World Cup campaign. At this point in time, we really don’t have a deal per se with the TTFF.”

However, Murray was asked if Carib may renew their deal with the Federation.

“Nothing has been confirmed as yet,” he said. “It’s too early to say what we’re doing or what we’re not doing.

“All we know is what we’re reading in the papers or seeing in the news. At this point in time, we really don’t have much to say on this issue.”

He continued, “we don’t know what is happening with the TTFF, what is the next step from the players. As a sponsor, we’re waiting to see what unfolds. And we really can’t comment until there’s a clearer picture to the way forward.”

Camille Salandy, head of public relations and external affairs at Blink/Bmobile, was asked if the telecommunications group will be continuing their sponsorship with TTFF. “That’s much too early to tell,” she responded. “We cannot give an official comment at this time.”