
Fri, Jun


Jack Warner and Lord TriesmanFormer FIFA Vice President, Mr. Jack Warner, says he has nothing to answer on allegations in a UK Sunday Times report.

The article, published this past Sunday, alleged that millions of TT dollars deposited in a TTFF bank account to be given to Haiti following the earthquake there two years ago disappeared.
Asked for a response, Mr. Warner dismissed the article as foolish and questioned the timing of an article which alleged that the money, deposited in a TTFF account by FIFA and a South Korean businessman two years ago as aid money to earthquake ravaged Haiti, was not sent to the country.
He also questioned the credibility and motives of Mr. James Corbett, the journalist who wrote the article, and insisted he did nothing which warranted an explanation.
"So tomorrow something comes in a newspaper in Egypt, you will ask me again? So tomorrow something comes in a newspaper in Burma, you will ask me again?  Let them write. When I want to talk, I will talk. I have nothing to answer to anybody. Who wants to make allegations, make allegations. Ask yourselves, as objective members of the media, why now. That's all. Why now? And after you get why now, just join the dots and see."
Mr. Warner also called on the media to be fair in its reporting in matters related to him.
"I could understand that you all have your preference or your feelings for Sancho and them. Whether you think they do right or wrong, that's okay, that's your right. But let us be objective and balanced. You cannot take every foolish report that appear in the newspaper and ask me questions about it."
Mr. Warner, who has been hit with allegation after allegation following his resignation from football's world governing body last year, said he remains unfazed by this latest accusation.
"There is nothing anybody could say or do to make me look bad anymore. Everything that has been said about Jack Warner has been said. Everything that has been written, has been written and I still continue to do the people's work. I have nothing to run from. You want to write your articles, write them. I would not in any way tell you not to write. But be fair, be balanced."
He said FIFA's business should be left to FIFA to resolve.


FIFA waiting for explanation over Haiti funds.

BERNE (Reuters) - FIFA has confirmed that it is waiting for an explanation over emergency aid for the Haiti earthquake disaster which failed to reach its destination after being sent to the Trinidad & Tobago (TTFF) football federation.

Soccer's governing body said that the money had been sent to the TTFF in 2010 at the request of former executive committee member Jack Warner, who was head of CONCACAF, the North, Central American and Caribbean (CONCACAF) Confederation, at the time.

FIFA said in a statement sent to Reuters that $250,000 was wired to the TTFF but the Haiti federation said it had only received $60,000.

Soccer's governing body said it still has not received "a satisfactory response" about what happened to the remaining $190,000 and has stopped further payments to the Trinidad federation.

"We can confirm that FIFA wired immediately after the devastating earthquake $250,000 as an emergency aid for Haiti to the account of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF)," said the statement.

"This was on request of the then CONCACAF President Jack Warner and subsequently transferred to the TTFF account, in order to immediately provide support to Haiti.

"FIFA can also confirm that it had been informed by the Haiti Football Association (FHF) in autumn 2011 that it had only received USD 60,000 of this emergency aid.

"Consequently FIFA, in a letter, requested in October 2011 a full explanation from the TTFF into those funds.

"As FIFA has not received any satisfactory response, FIFA has stopped with immediate effect any payments to the TTFF until it will receive proper accounts of these funds allocated as an immediate relief support to the FHF."

The 7.0-magnitude earthquake killed 300,000 people and left 1.5 million homeless in Haiti two years ago.

Warner, who often worked as a special advisor to the TTFF, was a major FIFA powerbroker until he was suspended, then resigned last June.

He quit as FIFA's ethics committee investigated his role in a cash-for-votes scandal at a meeting in Port of Spain ahead of last year's presidential election.

FIFA presidential candidate Mohamed Bin Hammam, also at the meeting, was suspended for life.

Warner is Works Minister in the Trinidad government and continues to make news, with local media reporting earlier this month that he had started a campaign to bring back hanging on the Caribbean island.

FIFA said it had allocated a further $3 million to a special Haiti fund which it controlled directly.

"The fund went towards restarting the Haitian championship and purchasing sporting equipment and various materials for the national technical centre, which was itself renovated and extended," said FIFA.

"In addition, the special projects fund was used to build the completely new FHF Headquarters on the training centre property as the old one was completely destroyed in the earthquake.

"Lastly, the Sylvio Cator Stadium in Port-au-Prince was renovated, with an artificial pitch on the principal new features as well as currently with the installation of floodlights.

(Reporting by Brian Homewood; Editing by Justin Palmer; To query or comment on this story email