
Thu, Jul


Mr. Selby Browne, Vice President of the Veteran Footballers Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (VFFOTT) says the sole legal body to run football in this Republic is the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association, established by an Act of the Parliament - Act 17 of 1982.

Based on information that the TTFF plans to hold an election under their Constitution on November 11th 2012, along with the sad state of football and the  poor treatment to footballers in this Republic, VFFOTT has written to the TTFF calling for an urgent meeting between representatives of the TTFF and VFFOTT within seven (7) days, at a Port of Spain venue, date and time, convenient to the TTFF, in the interest of putting football right in Trinidad and Tobago.

Failing such a meeting, VFFOTT will take the action necessary to restore football to its pristine status, after the steep  plunge and will  do what’s right to  place due recognition to the major asset of the football family, the present footballers and the generations to come.

VFFOTT also calls on the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar to have the Government of this Republic  recognize the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago with specific reference to Act 17 of 1982, as well as ensure payment is made to the National Footballers of World Cup 2006, as ordered by the Court, for a contract they entered into with Austin Jack Warner, her Minister of National Security.

VFFOTT will hold a Footballers Stakeholders Convention on Sunday 4th November 2012 at the Barataria Sportplex, Barataria at 10.30 am, at which a Trinidad and Tobago Football Executive Committee would be elected.

VFFOTT is committed to working along with the new Trinidad and Tobago Football Executive Committee to  ensure  the  refocusing,  restructuring and the proper development of football with focus on the quality of the game, the footballers and administration of integrity, says VFFOTT, Vice President, Mr. Selby Browne.

Mr. Selby Browne confirmed,  VFFOTT has an excellent response from football stakeholders, including clubs registered under the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association, (TTFA)  Footballers, Coaches, Trainers, Sponsors and Fans, interested in joining with VFFOTT  to work together on a return of football in Trinidad and Tobago to its glory days of global recognition and respect.