
Fri, Jun


TTFFRaymond Tim Kee, the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) president-in-waiting may not even get a honeymoon period after he is installed unopposed as president on Sunday when the TTFF holds elections at the Cascadia Hotel.

Tim Kee faces the immediate challenge of getting Government funding for the Caribbean Cup Group Eight semi-final series which this country will host in Tobago from November 14-18. More importantly, Tim Kee may also have to negotiate a stay to contempt of court proceedings.

The local football body was in court last month facing contempt charges for failing to comply with court directives after they were sued by 13 members of the 2006 Trinidad and Tobago World Cup team, who are seeking a promised share of revenues collected. The TTFF have repeatedly failed to provide financial accounting of 2006 World Cup revenue.

Yesterday, a court-appointed deadline again passed without the TTFF complying with the directives of Port of Spain High Court Justice Vasheist Kokaram who allowed them additional time when they faced contempt of court charges before him last month.

At the time, the TTFF had said it would do everything possible to get the accounts. It also indicated an intention to fully settle all financial disputes with the players by October month's end. However, player representative Brent Sancho reported that the TTFF failed to comply with any of the court's requirements by yesterday's court-appointed deadline.

"They haven't followed up with any of the judges requirements," player representative Brent Sancho declared yesterday. "We are now looking at the possibility of giving the new TTFF president Raymond Tim Kee 21 days to at least pay the interim payment of $4.6 million dollars which was given by the High Courts."

"The initial conversation with the TTFF considered a settlement, but nothing significant has come out of that," Sancho said. "If they were serious about that, they would come with a cheque. This shows that they are not serious about anything."

Sancho stated that the players are now forging ahead full steam with court proceeding against the TTFF. He said the next step will be to make further submissions before Justice Kokaram, indicating the TTFF had breached the agreement.