
Fri, Jun


Former Soca Warrior Brent Sancho said Jack Warner’s version of how the debt to the 2006 World Cup footballers came into existence has come over six years too late.

At a public meeting at Pierre Road in Chaguanas Thursday night, Warner said in the aftermath of the 0-0 draw with Sweden in the Germany World Cup in 2006, he made a pledge to the players about bonuses for their performance. Warner claimed at the address entitled “Straight Talk,” that he obviously meant that  it would be based on the net amount and not the gross amount..

However, Sancho, one of 13 Soca Warriors who were embroiled in a legal battle with the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) over the bonuses,  said Warner’s disclosure has came too late.

“He (Warner) has had six years to say something about that (the bonuses),  to  either deny whether it is net or gross. He has never once in those six years stepped forward either in the court or any of the arbitration processes and made a statement whether it is in affidavit etc. He has never ever disputed that, so why it is now at this hour he wants to talk about that?” Sancho asked.

Asked if Warner’s latest statements about how the bonus situation came into existence could affect their arrangement with the T&TFF and CONCACAF, Sancho said: “Absolutely not. “We (the 13 players) won on several occasions all in court  processes, all determining those factors whether it is net or gross.

It has all been decided, unless Mr Warner wants to turn the hands of time back and start all over from 2006. It has already been deliberated...and we won on three separate occasions. It is a bit too late. It has already been prescribed by the court,  it has a ruling, a judgment so in terms of where we sit, it is just a bunch of rambling from his side.”