
Mon, Jul


President Joseph Taylor was re-elected unopposed to serve another two-year term, when the Trinidad and Tobago Football Referees Association (TTFRA) held its annual general meeting on Sunday April 6 at Bourg Mulatresse, San Juan.

The well-attended meeting saw most officers re-elected unopposed, except for two posts. The exceptions were Clynt Taylor, who replaced Franklyn Phillip in the South Zone as first vice-president, while North Zone’s Shelly Slater was also installed unopposed as assistant-secretary/administration, replacing the same Taylor in that capacity.

During discussions in the meeting, members shared their concern that no structures have been embraced to give a voice to the referees since the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) adopted the FIFA regulations for the organisation of refereeing in the country. They however welcomed a more accommodating attitude by the new leadership of the TTFA under president Raymond Tim Kee. The referees want to have a voice, and more representation within the TTFA.

The role of the TTFRA is said to be promoting the cause of referees and refereeing and should be the appropriate body to actively advocate for better terms and conditions of service for the football referees. Third vice-president Osmond Downer, proposed that immediate steps should be taken to organise a meeting of all referees, regardless of affiliation, to discuss matters pertaining to their welfare and the way forward. This motion was unanimously adopted by members.

A gathering is therefore planned for the near future to give all referees the opportunity to let their voices be heard.

President: Joseph Taylor
1st Vice-President: Clynt Taylor (not related)
2nd Vice-President: Anastasia Griffith
3rd Vice-President: Osmond Downer
General Secretary: Boni Bishop
Assistant Secretary/Finance: Ronald Geoffroy
Assistant Secretary/ Administration: Shelly Slater
Assistant Secretary/Operations: Marcia Williams
Public Relations Officer: Robin Murray