
Sat, Feb


SCHEDULED Trinidad and Tobago Football Asscociation (TTFA) elections has been postponed to June 2015, while a Constitutional Reform Panel begins work on the new TTFA Constitution that will be presented to the TTFA Executive Committee, members, and stakeholders for national review and ratification.

The ratification process and several other areas of concern cited by football’s governing body FIFA, resulted in the delay in TTFA elections. However, regional zone elections will take place as originally scheduled.

CONCACAF representatives Reudi Broennimann, Primo Corvaro and Marco Leal, will join TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee in selecting local representatives to serve on the Constitutional Reform Panel. Tim Kee had written CONCACAF president and FIFA vice-president Jeffrey Webb in April 2014, when Tim Kee recommended a TTFA constitutional overhaul centred on the principle of “One Club, One Vote” for the national body.

The TTFA also sent correspondences to FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke and legal affairs director Marcos Villiger, recommending the same and proposed the setting up of Constitutional Reform Panel consisting of two TTFA members and four local persons of impeccable credentials and character.

“As the newly-elected president I have been charged with the awesome and serious task of bringing true reform to our organisation and address a multitude of buses committed by the previous regime,” Tim Kee said in his letter. Tim Kee cited that efforts by some Executive Members to “undermine constitutional reform”.

He noted that the body had held no agm with its stakeholder members for many years, and under its former name (TTFF) is registered as a sole proprietorship owned by its former president Oliver Camps. He cited that recent audit shows the local football body in more serious financial peril than first thought.

“As it is currently organised, an inornate amount of authority is centred on the Executive Committee, from personal decisions, including selection of the national team coach, to daily operational duties, to carrying out the policies of it implements, the TTFF Executive Committee encompasses legislative, executive and judicial function in its 12-member body,” Tim Kee added in his letter.

“The current TTFF constitution created by the past regime to consolidate power in the hands of a few and is anathema to true democracy.” Tim Kee further added that the purpose of the Reform Commission was to address structural deficiencies, and its finding will be shred with the shared with the general TTFF membership.

Responsing to Tim Kee, FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke said FIFA is aware of the dire financial difficulties faced by the TTFA, and urged that the organisation launch a diligent statutory reform process which will allow it to function efficiently and prevent crisis by the one currently faced.