
Fri, Jun

Sancho queries TTFA’s media release on Central FC.

BRENT SANCHO, owner of three-time Digicel Pro League champions Central FC, has queried a media release issued yesterday by the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA).

The media release quoted Central FC’s goalkeeper Jan-Michael Williams as refuting statements he allegedly made in a club media release on Friday - in which the national keeper claimed that the team was yet to receive a letter of congratulations from the Minister of Sports Darryl Smith. 

According to the TTFA, Williams was quoted as saying, “I am not one to play politics with the game that I love nor do I have interest in either attacking the Ministry of Sport or the Sport Minister. 

My statements obviously were incorrectly interpreted.” However, Sancho yesterday wondered why the rebuttal came via a TTFA media release, when Williams is still a member of Central FC. 

“I find it very strange that the TTFA will release such a (media) release at this time,” said Sancho. 

“How is this inclusive of the TTFA? Jan is a Central FC player. 

“I don’t think it’s about the statement,” continued Sancho. “I don’t think anything that was said was not true. I’ve had personal experience where I’ve been blacklisted for standing up for the rights of the players. I understand his position. 

“Central FC is the only club to achieve anything in football regionally (in the past couple years). 

I think it’s a club which should be lauded. I stand by my statement, not even a congratulatory statement was made (by the Minister).”

Sancho, the ex-Trinidad and Tobago defender, pointed out, “at the end of the day, if it’s against Brent Sancho and whatever perceived political alliances, that’s something completely different. But, as far as I’m concerned, sports comes first. That’s how I see it.”

Asked if the media release from the TTFA highlights a hidden agenda, Sancho replied, “it has to be. How is it that, after all we’ve achieved, that the first statement coming out of the (TTFA) is not even a word of congratulations but to try and antagonise a situation.”

Concerning any feedback from the Pro League about the outstanding prize monies for winning the past three league titles, Sancho noted, “the last statement told you that they’re trying to set up a meeting with the Minister and I think that’s where the energy should be flowed, not trying to make something out of nothing. 

The energy should be put in towards making sure that the prize monies, making sure that the League continues and making sure that we have the support going through.”