
Fri, Feb

TTFA annual general meeting installs Look Loy on Association board.

The 2017 Annual General Meeting of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association unanimously elected FC Santa Rosa president Keith Look Loy to the TTFA Board of Director with immediate effect.

The vote concluded a months-long process that began with the decision of a TTFA Extraordinary General Meeting, held in July, that the newly-formed Trinidad and Tobago Super League should be represented in the TTFA Board.

In August 2017 TTSL advised TTFA that Keith would be its representative. After five months Keith was finally elected yesterday.

He has established priorities for action at Board level:

1) transparent and collective decision-making by the Board,

2) effective management of TTFA technical and national teams programmes,

3) review of the referee recruitment and training programme,

4) effective and equitable distribution to TTFA members of FIFA and other development funding,

5) review and overhaul of domestic club football,

6) servicing of TTFA debt.

Keith also intends to review the financial arrangements of the TTFA technical centre currently under construction in Balmain, Couva.