
Fri, Jan

Dear TTFA: New board member, Look Loy, questions body on coaches, referees and technical centre project.

“What protocol or procedure did TTFA/you employ to identify the coaches now working in said youth programme, i.e. specifically, were the positions advertised and was application open to all interested parties?

“[What are] the names of all companies/parties which submitted construction/professional bids in connection with said construction… [and] the name of the project manager, the contractor and any sub-contractors engaged in the project?

“[…] What measures does the Referee Department employ with delinquent referees, e.g. those who do not adequately attend training sessions, and/or pass examinations, or those who are not responding successfully to match day assessment and guidance?”

The following is a list of questions on the operations of the local football body submitted by TTSL president and new Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) board member, Keith Look Loy, to TTFA general secretary Justin Latapy-George, past and present technical directors Muhammad Isa and Anton Corneal and referees committee head Wayne Caesar—and copied to TTFA president David John-Williams—on 26 December, 2017 and either 7 or 10 January, 2018.

Request for information on TTFA technical programmes and National Teams


Dear Sirs,

I was inducted as a TTFA Board member on Saturday 23 December and I obviously lack information on several key areas of TTFA work. Accordingly, I am reaching out to you for information with the following questions:

Does TTFA have a long-term technical development plan?

Who are the coaches engaged in TTFA youth programme?

What protocol or procedure did TTFA/you employ to identify the coaches now working in said youth programme, i.e. specifically, were the positions advertised and was application open to all interested parties?

Do these coaches have contracts?

Who assesses the work of these coaches?\

Are these coaches required to submit a periodic training and development plan? If so, to whom?

Are these coaches required to submit period reports on their work? If so, to whom?

Is the TTFA Technical Committee functional? Does it supervise TTFA’s technical work?

Is there a national Under-20 men’s team in training, or plans to establish one?

Who are the (proposed) staff of this team?

Does TTFA intend to establish an Under-23 team?

What plans does TTFA have regarding the women’s national teams, both age-group and senior?

Does TTFA have a long-term coach education plan/programme? If so, I would appreciate a copy.

Other questions may arise but I trust that you will appreciate my position in my search for relevant information in order to ensure I represent TTSL properly in the TTFA Board.

I thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Best regards.
Keith Look Loy

TTSL representative to the TTFA Board

Request for information on TTFA technical centre project

Justin Latapy

Dear Sir,

As a new TTFA Board member, I obviously lack intimate knowledge of key areas of TTFA work, programmes and projects. Accordingly, I have decided to seek relevant information in several areas, one of which is the technical centre now under construction in Balmain.

I would appreciate information re: the following:

The contribution of FIFA, TTFA and Government to the project and the overall project budget.

The names of all companies/parties which submitted construction/professional bids in connection with said construction.

The TTFA body or personnel which/who selected the contractor and any sub-contractors now engaged on the project.

The name of the project manager.

The name of the contractor and any sub-contractors engaged in the project.

The quantum, duration and terms of all project contracts.

The current financial and construction status of the project.

Clearly, your response would be appreciated prior to the January 2018 Board meeting.

I thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Best regards.
Keith Look Loy

TTSL Representative to the TTFA Board

Request for information on TTFA referee programme

Wayne Caesar

Dear Sir,

I was inducted into the TTFA Board on Saturday 23 December and I am obviously lacking in intimate knowledge of certain aspects of Association activity and programmes. Accordingly, I hereby seek information on TTFA’s referee programme via responses to the following questions:

How many referees and assistant referees are registered with the Referee Department?

What are the numbers counted in each group in each category of referee?

How many FIFA referees and assistant referees does the TTFA have?

How does this number compare to past years?

How does the Referee Department proceed with referee recruitment? How effective is aid programme and what are the issues affecting it?

How many referee instructors and assessors does the Referee Department employ or use?

What is the frequency of and how effective is the referee training programme?

How effective is the match-day referee assessment programme?

What measures does the Referee Department employ with delinquent referees, e.g. those who do not adequately attend training sessions, and/or pass examinations, or those who are not responding successfully to match-day assessment and guidance?

Are referees ever relegated to an inferior category for poor performance?

Are referees insured against injury?

The next Board meeting will be held in January 2018 and I would appreciate your response prior to that so I could properly represent TTSL in said Board.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Best regards.
Keith Look Loy

TTSL Representative to TTFA Board.