
Fri, Feb

Look Loy takes TTFA to High Court.

TT SUPER League president Keith Look Loy has sought the help of the High Court to compel TT Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams to provide documents on the controversial "home for football" project.

Following a pre-action protocol letter issued to John-Williams's lawyers last month, Look Loy made good on his promise to involve the court as he filed a claim for judicial review on Monday in a final attempt to get the TTFA chief to provide the details.

Last month, Look Loy's lawyers sent John-Williams a pre-action protocol letter, which gave the TTFA chief a July 24 deadline to act on the request.

"We're no longer playing their game with them because what they intend to do is to clearly is to deferring and bluffing and, therefore, we've taken this course," Look Loy said in an interview with Newsday today.