
Fri, Feb

Look Loy: John-Williams’ agenda a delay tactic.

PRESIDENT of the TT Football Association (TTFA) David John-Williams, on Monday, issued an extensive 15-item agenda to be tabled at tomorrow’s highly anticipated board meeting, leaving all four items submitted by member of the TTFA board of directors Keith Look Loy and agreed to by six other members who called the meeting, for last.

On September 15, Look Loy, with sufficient support from members of the TTFA’s board of directors compelled John-Williams to call a meeting within ten days as stipulated in the association’s constitution.

On Sunday, however, TTFA general secretary Justin Latapy-George emailed the board of directors notifying them in following advice from John-Williams, the meeting will take place tomorrow — two days past the deadline— at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, where the TTFA’s head office is located.

Look Loy replied to the email Sunday evening stating, “Please note that six (6) board members have legally requested a meeting (on 15 September) under Article 35, and have declared an agenda.

The President is constrained by the Constitution to call this meeting within ten days (by 25 September). As usual, the President chooses to ignore the Constitution and pretends to be calling a Board meeting on his own volition.

“In the interest of calm within TTFA we are prepared to meet on 27 September but, 1) the start time should be 5.30pm to ensure full attendance, and 2) the agenda declared by the six members in their petition must be respected and adhered to: Women’s team, including appointment of coach; Men’s U17 and U20 teams; TTFRA referee issues; Other business.”

However, on Monday, Latapy-George notified the board via email with a 15-item agenda presented to him by John-Williams. The agenda, in order, comprised, “Prayer; Conf. of the Agenda; Conf. of Minutes; Confirmation of resignation of V P Salazar; Status of board member Wayne Cunningham; Correspondence from board members; code of ethics; 2017 Statement of Accounts; 2018 Management Accounts; Membership Subscriptions; Public Statements by Members of the Board of Directors; Refereeing issues previously tabled by TTFRA; Status of Men’s Under 17 and Under 20 team; Appointment of a technical staff to the Women’s National Team; Any other business.”

Look Loy once again addressed Latapy-George in an email response stating, “As usual, the President is ignoring the Constitution and the wishes of members.

We have legally requested a meeting under Article 35, with a defined agenda (sic)...The President must respect the requirements of Article 35 or the membership is free to meet without him.” Look Loy took issue with the placement of the four items from his proposed agenda on John-Williams’ 15-item list.

“It is (a delay tactic). We are insisting on our agenda under 35 (of the constitution). The constitution demands he observe it. But, of course, he cares nothing for the constitution,” he said in an interview yesterday.

Look Loy also took issue with John-Williams’ call for the meeting to start at 3 pm, on a working day, as opposed to his proposed 5.30 pm start.

“A leader who wants full participation would facilitate it, not hinder it and make attending a sacrifice. Also, in his style, he will drop the time late tomorrow (today) so people get minimum notice.

In reference the 15-item agenda, Look Loy said, “He (John-Williams) puts it at the end of an agenda that we won’t finish in four meetings.

His priorities are code of ethics and statements by board members when the women play in seven days and the Under-17s haven’t trained since May 28th.”

According to the constitution, the president is responsible with compiling the agenda for the board meeting before a vote is taken at the meeting for confirmation of the agenda.

Look Loy sought to address those who have suggested publicly that his intent is to take TT football into further disrepute.

“I wish to underline the fact that I, and we, are standing for the constitution of TTFA, and for transparency and accountability.

John-Williams and cohorts are the ones who are causing the instability in the association. (There are some) who refer to myself and the people who fighting this matter of the meeting on Thursday as rebels and dissidents and we strenuously object to that. It is a total misrepresentation of our stance,” he said.