
Fri, Jan


BOARD member Keith Look Loy will proceed with his November 24 motion for the dismissal of Trinidad and Tobago Football Association president David John-Williams, regardless of today's outcome of a judicial review matter against the Association in the High Court.

Despite two previously unsuccessful attempts to have John-Williams ousted, Look Loy has successfully had a motion for John-William's dismissal, tabled for the TTFA's Annual General Meeting which, according to General Secretary Justin Latapy-George, is carded for November 24 from 9:30am at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

Latapy-George confirmed that Look Loy's motion was one of 20 or so agenda matters due for discussion.

"The constitution guides that once a member submits a matter for consideration by the general membership within the specific time line of at least 40 days prior to the AGM, then that matter must be put on the agenda for discussion," Latapy-George stated.

Look Loy also believes his motion for John-Williams' dismissal is gaining momentum but whether he has the 75 per cent backing of the general membership needed to unseat the TTFA President is uncertain.

"It will get support too. I don't know if it will get enough because to be effective it has to get 75 percent of the vote," Look Loy admitted. "But I know it will get support, based on what people have said to me." 

Today's court matter could also strengthen Look Loy's hand. At an October 26 hearing, judge Ronnie Boodoosingh granted T&T Super League president Look Loy leave to pursue judicial review against the TTFA and John-Williams over the failure to disclose financial records pertaining to the Home of Football project at Balmain Couva. Today the parties return to the High Court from 10:30am with the TTFA having to present a case as to why the records should not be handed over.

With no certainty that the matter will be concluded today, Look Loy nevertheless vowed to press on with the motion to remove John-Williams, regardless of what happens in court today. However, a positive outcome will give Look Loy access to the Home of Football.

"Once the judge declares that he has to make the document available, I want to see them the next day," Look Loy declared. "But If he doesn't want to abide by the court, he could be in contempt of court and face the consequences."

The Home of Football is being built by a USS2.5 million FIFA grant on 18 acres of land at Couva donated by the Trinidad and Tobago Government. Both FIFA and Sport Minis-er Shamfa Cudjoe have endorsed the work done thus far on the project.

And during a tour of the facility just last week, officials from cricket, swimming, cycling. gymnastics and athletics congratulated John-Williams on the speed and quality of the work in building the facility, whose foundation was laid only on February 14.

"The issue here is not the Home of Football. My issue is the lack of accountability in the implementation of the project," Look Loy stated. "Who is being given contracts? Who is awarding contracts? How much money is being spent? Nobody but David John-Williams knows." It is irrelevant what impact it (Home of Football) has on people from other NGOs. They have no influence in football." 

SOURCE: T&T Express