
Fri, Jan

Gillette touted as best man for TTFA president.

Yes­ter­day, Brent San­cho, a mem­ber of the com­mis­sion who ad­mit­ted to Gillette's good work since he was ap­point­ed as an in­de­pen­dent mem­ber, said every­one was say­ing they were im­pressed by Gillette.

"How­ev­er, I can tell you that I do not know that there is a move­ment for Gillette to be put for­ward for the post of pres­i­dent. He has worked with my club - Cen­tral FC, as well as at the com­mis­sion and I am sat­is­fied with his work so far," San­cho said.

A TTFA ex­ec­u­tive mem­ber who wished to re­main anony­mous point­ed to ar­ti­cle 34 of the TTFA con­sti­tu­tion which refers to the elec­tion of mem­bers of the board of di­rec­tors. The ar­ti­cle states: "Can­di­dates shall have been ac­tive in foot­ball for at least three years dur­ing the five years pre­ced­ing the elec­tion. This ac­tiv­i­ty must have been per­formed in a man­age­r­i­al or a sim­i­lar po­si­tion in the ter­ri­to­ry of the Re­pub­lic of T&T.

Can­di­dates may not have pre­vi­ous­ly been found guilty of an in­dictable of­fence: Can­di­dates shall be na­tion­als of and shall have per­ma­nent res­i­dence in the Re­pub­lic of T&T: Can­di­da­tures for the of­fice of Pres­i­dent and Vice-Pres­i­dent of the Board of Di­rec­tors shall be sup­port­ed by at least one Mem­ber."

Con­tact­ed for clar­i­fi­ca­tion on the is­sue yes­ter­day, TTFA con­sti­tu­tion­al ex­pert Os­mond Down­er said the ar­ti­cle will rule out some names be­ing bandied about for the com­ing elec­tion but he didn't want to name those in­di­vid­u­als. He said un­like the pres­i­dent and vice pres­i­dent, who are cho­sen by vote dur­ing the elec­tion, all oth­er board mem­bers are elect­ed by their mem­ber as­so­ci­a­tions be­fore they are sent to be in­duct­ed in­to the new ex­ec­u­tive.

To date, for­mer TTFA pres­i­dent Ray­mond Tim Kee and Cen­tral Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (CFA) sec­re­tary Clynt Tay­lor have de­clared their in­ten­tion to con­test the elec­tion. Guardian Me­dia Sports un­der­stands North­ern Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (NFA) pres­i­dent An­tho­ny Har­ford is al­so ex­pect­ed to throw his hat in­to the elec­tion ring. They will all at­tempt to de­feat in­cum­bent David John-Williams.

Yes­ter­day, San­cho said his con­cern was more about the traits the next pres­i­dent has more than whom he is, not­ing that the per­son must be ca­pa­ble of gen­er­at­ing rev­enue, at­tract­ing cor­po­rate T&T, un­der­stand­ing that the TTFA debt will be in­her­it­ed and hav­ing the in­ter­est of the sport at heart.