
Fri, Feb

TTFA starts restructuring talks with public.

Sev­er­al for­mer na­tion­al play­ers and ad­min­is­tra­tors turned out for the first of four sym­po­siums host­ed by the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion’s Na­tion­al Foot­ball Com­mit­tee at the Queen’s Park Oval, Port-of-Spain, on Sat­ur­day.

The com­mit­tee, head­ed by TTFA board mem­ber Sel­by Browne, is tasked with gath­er­ing rec­om­men­da­tions from all stake­hold­ers and the pub­lic for the re­struc­tur­ing foot­ball in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

The top­ics for the six-hour sym­po­sium in­clud­ed: Man­age­ment struc­ture for youth foot­ball; Path­way struc­ture for na­tion­al foot­ball and Ad­min­is­tra­tion.

Browne in his open­ing re­marks em­pha­sised the ur­gent need for change in the way the busi­ness of Trinidad and To­ba­go foot­ball was con­duct­ed.

“We have brought this pan­el to­geth­er to see about the var­i­ous is­sues, gov­er­nance and struc­ture for Trinidad and To­ba­go foot­ball,” he told those gath­ered.

“I wel­come and com­mend all for un­der­stand­ing the im­por­tance for hav­ing this ini­tia­tive start­ed now. We have been giv­en a man­date from the en­tire board of di­rec­tors of the TTFA to have this com­mit­tee with the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to re­view and re­struc­ture our foot­ball.”

He added: “I take this man­date very se­ri­ous­ly. Our am­bi­tion is to move Trinidad and To­ba­go foot­ball to the num­ber one spot in CON­CA­CAF, a spot we held in the 1974 World Cup Qual­i­fiers.

“We can­not ex­pect to be do­ing the same things and ex­pect dif­fer­ent re­sults. What we have now is a pop­u­la­tion that is hurt­ing for that pas­sion and love for foot­ball and how the busi­ness of foot­ball has been con­duct­ed.”

Browne said the com­mit­tee de­sired to be the change agent for lo­cal foot­ball, not­ing the path­way to this was the re­struc­tur­ing of foot­ball in T&T.

He said the rec­om­men­da­tions made dur­ing the sym­po­sium will be com­piled in­to a re­port for fur­ther re­view and im­ple­men­ta­tion.

The com­mit­tee will host three fur­ther sym­po­siums in the south­ern and east­ern coun­ties dis­trict as well as To­ba­go at dates to be an­nounced.