
Fri, Jan


As president of the TTFA, I wish to formally welcome to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago FIFA President Mr. Gianni Infantino and CONCACAF President Mr. Victor Montagliani on this historic occasion of the formal opening of the Home of Football.

Let me apologise for those miscreants, some of whom are members of the TTFA who are hell bent on disseminating misinformation to the general public that has no basis in fact.

Let me respond to the deliberate inaccuracies at the hand of Mr. William Wallace and others, that has continued for the past three years and provide the following factual account:

1. At a board meeting held on April 3rd 2018, the board appointed a tender’s sub- committee to oversee the awarding of contracts. Let me state that this motion was moved by Mr. Keith Look Loy and seconded by Mr. Karan Jabari Williams.

2. At a board meeting held on June 30th, 2018, the sub-committee reported to the board the decision to award contracts in keeping with FIFA guidelines.

3. At the AGM held on November 24, 2018, the President presented the meeting with a report of all financial details with respect to the Home of Football project.

4. With respect to court order, at the request of Mr. Look Loy, the TTFA has been fully compliant and neither Mr. Look Loy or the court has found the TTFA wanting or in contempt.

Finally, let me state categorically, that the audited financial statements of the TTFA were approved at three consecutive Annual General Meeting under my administration: AGM 2016, 2017, and 2018 along with the independent external auditor’s report.

We trust that this information provides a proper insight to rubbish the diatribe contained in the press release signed by Mr. William Wallace.

One would think that one week prior to the election, this anxious bunch would focus on their programs and aspirations to move T&T Football to number 1 in CONCACAF.

The vision of my team, having put in place the financing vehicle for making TTFA self- sufficient, would continue the focus now on the restructuring and pathway to move T&T football to the respectable heights on the field of play with the horizon being the FIFA 2026 World Cup to be hosted here in the CONCACAF.

Let me publically extend an invitation to those members to attend this historic occasion so that they can see, touch and enjoy this new asset of the TTFA.

Let me also remind those members that the AGM on November 24 will be held at the TTFA’s Home of Football.

David John-Williams President, TTFA