
Fri, Jun


THE majority of the member clubs of the Tobago Football Association (TFA) are condemning the unlawful actions made by their president Anthony Moore to select the representatives for the upcoming TT Football Association’s (TTFA) AGM and elections, on Sunday.

A Tobago club representative, Desmond Alfred said, “The TFA convened an executive meeting on October 31 to identify the delegates that will represent the zone at the AGM. There were seven executive members: four of them were present constituting a quorum including, the president Anthony Moore, who is a candidate on (David) John-Williams’ slate.” He continued, “The president should have recused himself in accordance to TFA’s constitution (Article 37.3) requiring him to do so due to the conflict of interest and that would have left them with three persons so it wouldn’t have been a quorum. However, the TFA sent in their three names to the TTFA.”

The clubs decided to take matters into their own hands, as Alfred explained, “The representatives of the clubs of the zone asked for a meeting with the TFA and at that meeting there were nine clubs present. Then, Mr Moore asked for the bona fide (names) of the delegates of the clubs but they didn’t walk with any so, he declared that he cannot proceed with the meeting but there were some discussions.”

A disheartened Alfred said, “The clubs called a meeting of its members and they decided to identify their own delegates to sit at the AGM on November 24. We are now hoping that the electoral committee will determine who will be seated at the meeting whether it will be the unconstitutional or the constitutional delegates.”

He vehemently mentioned, “The majority of clubs in Tobago are not supporting the non-performance of the current administration.”

SOURCE: T&T Newsday


United TTFA release: DJW candidate attempts to disenfranchise Tobago clubs

Consistent with the Tobago FA Constitution, TFA member clubs attended a meeting on Saturday 16 November to select three TFA representatives to attend the 2019 TTFA Annual General Meeting on Sunday 24 November. 

Tobago FA President Anthony Moore, a fellow candidate of David John-Williams in the 24 November TTFA elections, declared two club representatives who have previously represented their clubs at TFA meetings to be illegitimate. On that basis he consequently declared the meeting to be lacking a quorum and aborted the meeting. He then advised the assembled clubs that the TFA Board had already selected three representatives to the 2019 TTFA AGM, and that TFA had advised TTFA of their names. 

In response to this alarming development, TFA clubs held a meeting on Monday 18 November and unanimously agreed:

1. The club representatives so arbitrarily rejected by Moore on Saturday 16 November were legitimately appointed club officials. 

2. The decision of the TFA Board to appoint representatives to the 2019 TTFA Annual General Meeting was unconstitutional as it had a quorum only because it was chaired by Moore, who should have recused himself according to the provision of the TFA Constitution (Article 37.3) requiring him to do so due to the conflict of interest. 

Three representatives were elected by the clubs to attend the 2019 TTFA Annual General Meeting. The representatives were unanimously mandated by the meeting to vote for the candidates of the United TTFA slate.

United TTFA condemns the attempt by Moore to unconstitutionally disenfranchise Tobago FA clubs in their legitimate attempt to represent themselves. 

Moreover, United TTFA condemns the abuse of the TFA Constitution and the democracy of the Tobago FA by Moore in the pursuit of his personal political interest. 

The TFA clubs have officially written to the TTFA General Secretary and the TTFA Electoral Committee regarding the disturbing events described above. 

United TTFA supports the effort of Tobago clubs to seat their legitimately elected representatives at the 2019 TTFA Annual General Meeting.