
Fri, Feb


The new William Wallace led Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) administration went straight to work today, spending the day at the TTFA head office in Couva in eight hours of meetings intended to help ascertain the actual state of TTFA’s administration and finances.

Wallace and his Vice Presidents  Clynt Taylor, Susan Joseph-Warrick and Joseph Sam Phillip, met the TTFA office staff, General Secretary Camara David and Finance Manager Tyril Patrick.

The Discussions focused on:

1. Projected income and expenditure to December 31st 2019
2. Current debt
3. Audit of personnel employed by TTFA, including technical staff and contracts
4. Ongoing legal matters
5. Elite football – a new league and TTFA League of Champions
6. CONCACAF NextPlay programme
7. Standing Committees

The following decisions were taken:

1. To stop transactions on all TTFA bank accounts, including online transactions
2. To initiate an audit of the Association’s finances
3. To issue a public invitation to all TTFA creditors to present their claim
4. To close the Home of Football until the necessary State authority approvals and property insurance, which have not been secured to date, are arranged
5. To introduce new security measures for protection of TTFA property
6. To create an Advisory Committee
7. To assign specific roles to the newly elected Vice Presidents – Clynt Taylor (Membership Affairs), Susan Joseph-Warrick (Women’s Football), Joseph Sam Phillip (Security)

The new TTFA administration will keep the public advised of its work.