
Sun, Jul

Gomez appointed to T&T's Normalisation Committee.

FIFA has advised that Mr. Trevor Nicholas Gomez has been appointed as the newest member of the Normalisation Committee for the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association.

Mr. Gomez joins the other three previously appointed members of the Normalisation Committee – Mr. Robert Hadad (Chairperson), Ms. Judy Daniel (Deputy Chairperson) and Mr. Nigel Romano (Member).

Mr. Gomez is a Chartered Accountant and the Executive Chairman of Gravitas Business Solutions. Throughout his distinguished career, the former Trinidad and Tobago National Cricketer also served as Assurance Leader of EY Caribbean and Country Managing Partner of EY, Trinidad.

In correspondence to Chairperson Hadad, FIFA Secretary General Ms. Fatma Samoura stated that Mr. Gomez would commence duties on March 15th, 2021.

“The new member shall assume his duties as from 15 March 2021 and will have to pass an eligibility check to be carried out by the FIFA Review Committee in accordance with the FIFA Governance Regulations,” Samoura stated.

“All other terms of the mandate of the Normalisation Committee as decided by the Bureau of the FIFA Council as well as the other members of the Normalisation Committee appointed on 26 March 2020 shall remain the same,” the correspondence continued.

The mandate of the Normalisation Committee will include the following:

• to run the TTFA'S daily affairs;

• to establish a debt repayment plan that is implementable by the TTFA;

• to review and amend the TTFA Statutes (and other regulations where necessary) and to ensure their compliance with the FIFA Statutes and requirements before duly submitting them for approval to the TTFA Congress;

• to organise and to conduct elections of a new TTFA Executive Committee for a four-year mandate.

The Normalisation Committee will act as an electoral committee, and none of its members will be eligible for any of the open positions in the TTFA elections under any circumstances.

The timing of Mr Gomez's public announcement was done to facilitate the finalization of additional technical formalities and paperwork.

Chairman of the Normalisation Committee Robert Hadad welcomes the addition of Mr. Gomez and looks forward to working with him to fulfill the mandate in the interest of Trinidad and Tobago football.