
Fri, Jan

FIFA Chief Member Association Officer, Kenny Jean-Marie

TTFA members will be asked to approve a revised Trinidad and Tobago Football Association constitution—approved by world governing body FIFA —when the organisation holds its Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) Sunday at the Home of Football in Couva. And FIFA representatives will be here to observe proceedings.

In a letter to Normalisation Committee (NC) chairman Hadad, FIFA’s Chief Members Association officer Kenny Jean-Marie stressed that the ongoing statutory revision involved a thorough consultation process with TTFA members, acknowledging the notice for the EGM sent to members on January 18.

“We are now pleased to confirm that the statutes document which is attached to this letter fully complies with the requirements and standards of FIFA and CONCACAF and is therefore endorsed by both entities,” Jean-Marie stated. “In this respect, it is important to note that all the comments and feedback provided by the members of TTFA were diligently analysed and taken into consideration during the revision process. We therefore expect this latest version to be submitted to the members of TTFA during their EGM of 28 January 2024 for approval.”

Jean-Marie stated further that based on the initial decision of the Bureau of the FIFA Council to appoint a Normalisation Committee for the TTFA, elections of a new TTFA executive committee, “will only be able to be held once the TTFA statutes (and other regulations where necessary) have been revised. and brought in line with the FIFA statutes and requirements.”

The FIFA official also advised that a delegation of FIFA and CONCACAF will attend this Sunday’s EGM as observers.

But Trinidad and Tobago Football Referees’ Association representative Osmond Downer has identified issues concerning the proposed new constitution, including one of the articles drafted in the document.

Article 79, “Transitional provisions” of the draft indicates: “For the elections of the Council which shall take place following the adoption of these Statutes, the Normalisation Committee shall act as the Electoral Committee as defined in the electoral code. Any appeal against any decision of the Normalisation Committee in connection with the elections, shall be referred to CAS.”

Downer sees this as problematic.

“We have realised that a much closer examination has to be taken of a particular provision of the draft statutes that could very well be one of the most egregious, and indeed, pernicious articles in the draft statutes. This leaves one to wonder as to the reason for the inclusion of such an article in the draft,” stated Downer.

But TTFA general secretary Amiel Mohammed said the sole agenda item for the EGM will be the approval of the statutes.

“A FIFA and CONCACAF team will be at that meeting and an informal meeting will be held on Saturday (day before the EGM) with the stakeholders for them to respond to queries from the membership on the statutes,” said Mohammed

Mohammed added that based on the NC’s mandate from FIFA, the last item is the hosting of elections.

He stressed: “Elections as such may only be convened if the other mandate items such as the reform of the statutes takes place. New statutes of the TTFA as such, must be approved before an election can be convened. This has always been the case and communicated to members and the public throughout the process and in particular over the last few months,” Mohammed concluded.

SOURCE: T&T Express