
Tue, Jul


AN ACT for the Incorporation of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) will be tabled for debate after the 2009/2010 Budget is passed by the House of Representatives.

The private Bill will mainly incorporate the TTFF, of Dundonald Street of Port-of-Spain, in order to enable it to hold property and to otherwise carry out its aims and objectives.

If the Bill is passed by the House, then all real or personal property now held by or vested in, any person for the use and benefit of the TTFF is hereby transferred to and vested in the TTFF.

All legal proceedings pending, or claims subsisting against the TTFF immediately before the commencement of the Act shall be continued on and after the commencement of the Act by the TTFF. And all the rights, privileges and advantages and all the liabilities and obligations to which the TTFF was entitled or subjected to, as the case may be, are hereby transferred to and conferred or imposed upon the TTFF for the purposes of this Act.

But there are three clauses for the service of documents from the TTFF.

The TTFF shall, at all times, have a fixed address in Trinidad and Tobago for the service of documents of the Federation at that address and any change thereof shall be registered with the Registrar General within 28 days of the date of incorporation or the change of address as the case may be.

Every document to be served to the TTFF may be served by leaving the same at, or by sending the same, by registered post to the registered address of the TTFF.

And failure to register the address and any change thereof is a summary offence and renders the TTFF liable to a fine of $120 and to a further fine of $10 for each day during which the offence continues after conviction thereof.

The TTFF may, from time to time, make rules for the proper conduct of its proceedings and discharge of its duties, powers and functions, and such rules may be amended from time to time as the Federation may deem fit and expedient.

The aims and objectives of the TTFF are to regulate and control the conduct of football in Trinidad and Tobago, under the auspices of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA); to promote local, inter-territorial and international football matches and to provide awards to participants thereof; and to foster and promote the game under the said system and to become members of or affiliated to associations having similar objectives. With this new Bill, the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (Incorporation) Act 1982 is repealed.

The TTFF, the governing body of football in Trinidad and Tobago, was formed in 1908 with Thomas Boyd as the first president; and the organisation became a member of the game’s global ruling body FIFA in 1963.

Oliver Camps has been the TTFF president since 1992 while Jack Austin Warner, a vice-president of FIFA and Chaguanas West Member of Parliament (MP) is the TTFF’s special advisor.