
Tue, Jul


The Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation intends to place increased emphasis on youth development in 2011 as they are among 12 countries in CONCACAF to benefit from FIFA's Win in Concacaf with Concacaf Program.

This FIFA Development Program was started in Africa some years ago …Win in Africa With Africa and on the insistence of CONCACAF President Jack Warner it is now extended to CONCACAF.

Representing Trinidad & Tobago at the FIFA meeting in Montego Bay, Jamaica is National Women's Coach Jamaal Shabazz and TTFF Executive Member Roland Forde.

The two men will give FIFA a report of what has transpired in youth football l, the TTFF's development plans and what kind of courses the Federation would want FIFA to conduct over the next year aimed continued development

" I think this is a huge opportunity for us to really jump start youth football again throughout the length and breadth of T&T, stated Shabazz. "Not just in the TTFF's Centres for Development but at the grassroots level as well,’ Shabazz told TTFF Media.

" I think from here on you will see the TTFF as one of the major crime fighters in the country with the programs for our boys and girls. No village will be left out we will cut across all borders and boundaries, added Shabazz.

"But this help from FIFA is not until thy kingdom come. We will need to partner with Government and the Private sector to reach all the areas that we want to reach. It is not just about producing elite athletes we want to do that too but having our nation's youth active in disciplined recreation at the grassroots level is also our interest, “ Shabazz stated.

Among main organizers for the FIFA meeting in Jamaica is Darryl Warner who is there in his capacity as FIFA Development Officer .

Warner urged the Caribbean countries to take advantage of "this injection into the Caribbean's development and ensure that the seeds for growth and development are not just planted but properly nurtured as well".

TTFF's Technical Adviser Keith Look Loy is also there as a FIFA Instructor and  FIFA's Regional Manager of the Win in Concacaf With Concacaf Program.

Look Loy told urged participating nations that they must be prepared   to conduct much of the operations on their own in the areas of marketing and administration in expectance of continued funding from FIFA

Some of the other countries to benefit from the Win in Concacaf With Concacaf FIFA program are  Aruba, Barbados, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts Nevis, St. Vincent. St. Lucia and Suriname.