
Sun, Jul


Jack WarnerOliver Camps, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF), denies that the departure from football of Minister of Works Jack Warner, a former FIFA vice-president, has left his organisation totally defenceless.

However, Camps admits that local football has suffered since the loss of their special adviser and chief financier, who resigned from football's world governing body amidst a bribery scandal involving fellow FIFA executive member Mohamed bib Hammam.

"No. It's not true to say that we were totally dependent on Jack," a defiant Camps said yesterday. "But, Mr Warner did help us out greatly from time to time."

Camps was responding to questions about the dire financial state of the Federation, which at the moment is struggling to fund matches for the national team.

He was also reluctant to answer questions about the status of head coach Otto Pfister, who joined the national team a few months ago.

"Well, he has to be paid," said Camps, while not offering solutions as to where the German's estimated US$50,000 monthly salary will come from.

Camps was also asked why after many years of existence the TTFF does not have a home.

"Football is just like any of the other sports. Just like many of them we don't have a permanent home for football, and just like many other sports we have to book the stadium and such venues for matches.

"All the sporting organisations are suffering, not just football," Camps insisted. "We are just like any of the other sporting bodies who are now struggling to fund their programmes."

Camps said the TTFF has no choice but to try and raise funds. But, he said, it's not at easy as many think.

The challenge is to get corporate Trinidad and Tobago involved with the national team's programme.

"You know that local football doesn't generate funds," Camps declared. "To generate spectator interest, we have to bring in top teams to generate funds.

And usually after paying for these teams and paying the players and other expenses, most times we just break even. People think we make big money, but many times we just break even."