
Sun, Jul


Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) and its president Oliver Camps The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) and its president Oliver Camps could be in more hot water as the Federation has missed the deadline date for their second interim payment to the 2006 "Soca Warriors".

The Federation had up to yesterday to pay the national footballers approximately $4.36 million—inclusive of legal costs— in addition to a previous sum of $7 million granted them by Justice Devindra Rampersad last week.

The players sued the Federation five years ago, after claiming that then TTFF special adviser Jack Warner verbally promised them a share of revenues generated by T&T qualifying for the 2006 World Cup.

The players took their case to the London-based Sport Dispute Resolution Panel (SDRP), which agreed that a verbal contract had been reached and that the TTFF should pay the players.

The matter has subsequently reached the High Court after the Federation disputed that decision, with Rampersad ordering two interim payments to be made to the players.

The players withdrew a summons for contempt of court against Camps for lying under oath, but it is likely they will reintroduce the contempt charge since the TTFF has yet to pay up.

The TTFF last week asked for a 60-day extension on the deadline date, but Rampersad turned down their request.

The players have also filed a summons for Warner to be added as a co-defendant in the matter after Camps reportedly told the Court Warner was in charge of the TTFF's finances.

When contacted for comment yesterday, Camps said he could not speak on the matter as he was in a meeting.