While I have been extremely satisfied and pleased to offer myself for service to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, the current climate within FIFA has given me reason to rethink my position and thus give notice of my immediate resignation as the President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation.
I have truly enjoyed working with the football fraternity and appreciated the opportunities which have been given to me through football, but when the price one has to pay includes the sullying of one’s name and the denigrating of one’s character without a justifiable reason, then I must confess that this is not the place that I would want to be.
It is certainly a sad day for me and this is far from what I had expected. The changing of the guards was never meant to engender the bitterness that I feel or the pain which has replaced the pleasure of service.
I will take with me though, the good memories of having led my country into the 2006 World Cup Finals in Germany. I will never forget the opportunities I have had as host of two FIFA World Cup Finals in 2001 and 2010.
I will always remember that under my watch, Trinidad and Tobago qualified for four World Cup finals and if success as a leader has to be measured in football, it is against this background that I will be judged.
I served the game well, even as Manager of many national teams, so while I leave football disappointed I am also happy, because history will judge me as the most successful Football President of Trinidad and Tobago.
In no way am I disappointed that I was a part of the Caribbean Football Union meeting which met to determine the path to choose a leader for the FIFA.
The current situation facing the CFU now has made it very clear to me that our choice in meeting to discuss whether President Sepp Blatter would be the preferred option was the right one.
History will not judge me for being a part of that meeting neither will it condemn me based on association. Rather history will applaud all the football leaders of the Caribbean.
In conclusion, I want to thank Mr. Jack Warner for his support over the years. In him I see a true leader, a true champion, a Caribbean man, one who was prepared to do whatever was required to keep the Caribbean flag flying with dignity and pride. To the very end, my friend and I remain committed to his inspired leadership and loyal to friendship.
I thereby submit with immediate effect my resignation as President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation.
Respectfully submitted
Yours sincerely,
Oliver Camps