
Sun, Jul


Sherron Manswell

After winning a string of accolades during his senior season at Boston College, Sherron Manswell was invited to participate in the 2008 MLS Combine. Despite partying hard the night before, South Florida correspondent Collin "Mr Mc" McFarlane woke up "early" on Sunday morning, January 14th to catch up with Sherron after his game at Lockhart Stadium.

WN: We understand that because of your religious beliefs [Sherron observes the Sabbath] you were unable to participate in the Combine game on Saturday. How were you able to compete in college?
SM: It wasn't a problem for me in college. I called the coach before and told him the situation, and he scheduled the games at night. When it comes to the professional level now, I don’t know how willing some of the coaches are, but I am still willing to work hard and play for a spot on the team.
WN: Here you are at the MLS Combine, and yet to the best of my knowledge you have not been on any T&T national youth teams. Were you just under the radar, or did you get called and were unavailable to take up the offer?
SM: I was called once for the U-20 team back in the day, and since then I have kind of stayed under the radar. But I guess this season some people have heard a little bit of what our team has been doing.
WN: So you’ve been on the radar before, and now with this new technical staff are you hoping to be on it again and be a part of that South Africa 2010 push?
SM: Of course, South Africa, hell yeah!.
WN: For those of us who don't know, exactly who is Sherron Manswell?
SM: I grew up in Tobago. I was born in Scarborough Hospital, both my parents are from Tobago. I also lived in Maracas, St Joseph. I went to CUC (Caribbean Union College) for my first years of secondary school, and then I went to El Dorado Senior Comprehensive. I played at ElDo for 3 years, then I took a year off and worked at WASA where I played for them at the semi-pro level. After WASA, I went to Boston College on a full scholarship. I'm supposed to graduate on May 19th.
WN: What are your strengths as a forward?
SM: I hold up the ball well for the midfielders joining the attack, and if I get a chance to turn I can run at somebody. Some people say I have deceptive speed, I guess, I don’t know how true that is. I just like to feed off the midfielders and I try to make good runs.
WN: Do you model yourself after a particular footballer? Anyone you try to emulate?
SM: I like Berbatov from Tottenham, and Samuel Eto'o of course.
WN: Of the current crop of T&T forwards, who would you like to partner with? Who best complements your style of play?
SM: I have played against Kenwyne, and I cant remember exactly but I think I played alongside him once or twice, but I would like to play alongside Kenwyne..young stars you know.
WN: In an interview with Geoffrey Kehlmann back in September 2007, you mentioned that you would love to play professionally in Europe. Now that you are in your last year of college, are you currently on the lookout for those opportunities, or are you content to play the MLS card at this point?
SM: Europe is still and aspiration. I'm supposed to go to Sweden on the 16th for a trial there with a professional club named Borens IK for a week and a half. I would like to stay here in the US, but if Europe calls and it’s a good team we’ll see how that goes.
WN: Are you nervous knowing that you are playing in the presence of a lot of coaches and scouts? How have you prepared yourself mentally to deal with the situation?
SM: I'm not really nervous, I've played in a lot of pressure games in college where scouts were present. So to prepare for this MLS Combine, I just told myself to relax and go out and have some fun. If you mess up just keep going, and you’ll be fine.
WN: Does it help to have Julius James on your ‘Combine’ team or would you have rather him be on another team?
SM: Hmmm…I like having him on my team.
WN: Have you ever faced him in college ball?
SM: I think once when he played for St. Anthony's, and my freshman year here when my school was still in the Big East we played against him.
WN: Are you looking to force yourself into contention for a place on the roster for our 2010 qualifiers? Is it a big priority?
SM: I'm gonna do what it takes to make sure I'm getting where I want to get, and eventually if Trinidad and Tobago calls then I will answer the call.
WN: Are you by chance related to Kertson Manswell, the heavyweight boxer from Tobago?
SM: My dad was telling me something like that, some kind of pumpkin vine relation.