
Fri, Jun

DARIO Gradi insists there is no goalkeeping crisis at the Alexandra Stadium despite Clayton Ince's failure to turn up for Saturday's crunch match with Nottingham Forest.

The Trinidad and Tobago international went AWOL ahead of the big relegation clash after playing for his country in midweek.

It meant Gradi had to name rookie 17-year-old Karl Wills on the bench, with Stuart Tomlinson still struggling with a broken hand.

Ince had himself only just returned from a broken finger and, to make matters worse, stand-in keeper Ben Williams dropped a clanger during the match to gift Forest their goal.

But Gradi was philosophical, saying he believed Ince had good reason for his absence due to illness but said his number one should have been in touch with the club much sooner.

He said: 'He was apparently in bed with flu all day Friday but of course neglected to let anyone know.

'He was at the doctor's on Monday morning so he obviously has a reason. He is a decent guy and I'm sure he knows we needed him.'

Gradi said he has been impressed by Ince this season, and could not afford to let him go.

He said: 'I like the fact we have two keepers in Clayton and Ben really battling for the position, and I honestly couldn't tell you who is the best.

'Clayton hasn't done himself any favours, but we have no rotten apples here. If we tell a player what we expect of him, he usually does it.'

Gradi also backed Williams following his mistake, saying the keeper deserved a chance to become a hero again.

And he confirmed Tomlinson was back handling the ball and could make the bench against Millwall on Saturday. nMore goals from wide players David Vaughan and Lee Bell could be the key to Crewe's survival, according to Gradi.

With only five games left in the Coca-Cola Championship, the Alex travel to Millwall on Saturday knowing they are still a couple of wins away from being certain of safety.

And Gradi hopes it will be his young wingers who step up to provide the kind of goal threat which will drag his side out of the relegation dogfight.

He said: 'It is interesting that from the sides down there just a few points off us, people are expecting them to win some games.

'We need wins too, and the difference for us as for any team could be finding that third or fourth striker who can provide the extra quality from midfield to get goals.

'The jury is out on Vaughan as to whether he can give us that.

'We know he is a very skilful player, but he isn't an ace defender and therefore has to create more in front of goal. That will ultimately determine how good a player he becomes, and the same is true for Lee Bell who we are now seeing can play like that.'