
Fri, Jun

Russell Latapy has tonight signed his contract extension to stay at Falkirk for another year.

The official website tonight spoke to Head Coach John Hughes and Russell Latapy, who are currently in Portugal, to get their comments on the official signing of Russell’s contract extension.

The contract was offered and verbally accepted prior to Russell departing for a scouting trip to Portugal, but since he was joined on the trip by John Hughes this week, the contract has now been officially signed.

Speaking from Portugal tonight, the Head Coach said, “Obviously I’m delighted that the matter has been officially tied up and that Russell has extended his deal. He’s a huge influence to the team – both on the park and on the training ground, and he is not only a big player in terms of his ability, but also with the knowledge and experience he can impart on the younger players at the Club. Russell’s role for next season has been expanded from Player/Coach, to First Team Coach, and he will now step up to assisting Brian Rice and I with the first team squad on a daily basis. This is a fantastic piece of news, as we continue to build our squad for the SPL challenge.”

Russell spoke of the news, and also explained the reasons for his change of heart with regard to the Trinidad and Tobago post, “I came away to look at a few players, and also to have some time to think things over. I’m delighted to now commit officially to Falkirk for another year, because it’s a fantastic Club to be at. I’m still enjoying my football, I’m enjoying the atmosphere and team spirit at Falkirk, and I feel I have plenty left to offer. The increased attraction of SPL football is obviously a bonus, but to be honest, I’d be happy to re-join Falkirk even if we weren’t in the top flight. The confusion over the Trinidad post is simple enough; after I had spoken to Leo Beenhakker, it became clear that he saw my role as being on the playing side, whereas I had understood I was to be involved in the coaching of the National Squad. At this stage in my career, I didn’t see that as being an option to be honest. I want to be focussed 100% on Falkirk, and I am now free to do so.”

The management team and Russell will return to Scotland tomorrow, to continue their preparations for next season’s campaign.