
Wed, Jun

Carlos Edwards vs Blackburn Rovers

The midfielder- one of four changes to the line-up made by boss Mick McCarthy- fired Town in front early in the second-half, after former Blue Jordan Rhodes had earlier cancelled out Luke Hyam’s opener.

As well as the two goalscorers, another recalled starter, Frank Nouble, put the seal on the win with a late goal after a mistake by Rovers ‘keeper, Jake Kean to move Town to within two points of the top six.

“I think the timing of the goal just after half-time was really important for us, because they had the momentum from the way they finished the first-half,”

“It was down to us to change it around and thankfully we have come out after the break strongly and got the goal that has probably knocked the wind out of their sails a bit.

“That allowed us to press on and thankfully we got the third goal to seal it late on. I thought it capped an excellent team performance.

“On a personal level I was delighted to score my first of the season. A few people have remarked that I usually score all my goals from long range but that one was just as enjoyable for me.

“As long as the team are performing well and we are scoring goals then I am happy and it certainly breeds confidence into us ahead of Saturday’s game with Huddersfield.”