
Tue, Jun

Justin Hoyte at Middlesbrough

JIMMY Floyd Hasselbaink is not expecting much more transfer business for Burton Albion.

The Brewers have brought 12 players into the squad this summer in positions across the pitch.

Four of those have been loan deals with eight players signing permanent contracts at the Pirelli Stadium.

The transfer window slams shut on Tuesday, September 1 at 6pm and Hasselbaink may look to bring in one more player to cover the right-back position.

Former Arsenal defender Justin Hoyte is currently training with the squad and Hasselbaink is considering whether to offer the 30-year-old a deal.

"You never know (if one more will come in) as you're always looking," said Hasselbaink.

"There might be one more coming in but there's not going to be a lot of movement.

"We don't know yet (about Hoyte). It will be a hard one.

"We had Kelvin Maynard who got injured for the rest of this season, so do we get another right-back in to cover and compete with Phil? Or do we do it in-house?

"To have Justin training allows us to have a look at him. It is interesting to have someone come in with those characteristics.

"He wants to come in and wants to play football, and it's possible."