
Wed, Jun

THE boots left behind by Aurelio Vidmar are big ones to fill.

Plenty of names have been bandied about as a possible replacement, but the first man to arrive in town is Kevin Nelson, from Trinidad and Tobago.

Nelson touched down in Adelaide yesterday, before heading to Hindmarsh Stadium to meet his potential employers.

The 26-year-old trialled with Sydney FC before Dwight Yorke signed, impressing assistant coach Ian Crook, and he is determined to grab this opportunity. "I'm not going to let this one go," Nelson said. "I left, going back to my country knowing one day I would return to Australia, because of the atmosphere and Australia is so beautiful."

Nelson had a light run at Hindmarsh Stadium yesterday to loosen up after two days of air travel.

He describes himself as a strong striker who can make diagonal runs and hold the ball at his feet.

United coach John Kosmina said Nelson had been given no guarantees about his prospects in Adelaide. "We'll see how it pans out with him," Kosmina said. He said he fully expected to enter the new season without having resolved filling the final spot in his squad.