
Fri, Jun

TURNING performances into winning results again is the aim this weekend for West Ham keeper Shaka Hislop.

The Trinidad and Tobago stopper has stepped into the breach after Hammers number one Roy Carroll injured his knee late last month in training and while disappointed with the results of the last two games against Bolton and Liverpool, Hislop is confident that the Londoners can quickly bounce back against West Brom.

He told the Guardian: "We've been doing really well, but there's always going to be games where you are tested and things don't go your way.

"Against Bolton in the League Cup, we felt we dominated most of it but they had one or two chances and scored from one of them. It goes like that sometimes and you just have to accept it and move on.

"We have a very good record at home and while every game is tough and we know we've got to be on top to beat West Brom, the belief in what we can do has not gone just because we have lost a couple of games."

But Hislop is certainly happy to be back at the Hammers where he is now in the middle of his second spell at Upton Park. His first stint saw him clock up 105 league appearances for the Irons between 1998 and 2002.

And the 36-year-old, who could be tasting some World Cup football if his country makes it through the play-offs, is enjoying being back in East London and revealed his delight about being able to be play in front of the West Ham fans again.

He said: "They always create a terrific atmosphere both home and away and it's really something to go out there and have that behind you, they're something else. As long as they know I'm doing my best for the team, they'll give me that support and that's what I aim to do every time I play."

While Hislop will return to the bench once Carroll is fit , he is relishing the challenge of pushing his fellow team-mates all the way and will always be ready to take his chance when called upon.

He added: "I know that once Roy is fit, I'll be on the bench, but that doesn't mean you don't work as hard and I just make sure I'm prepared as if I was playing anyway, that's how I am.

"I've settled back in well at the club. A lot has stayed the same, but in other areas a lot has changed. As soon as Alan (Pardew) got in contact with me and expressed an interest in me coming back here, there wasn't much discussing to do, I knew it was the right thing for me to do straight away and I'm enjoying my football.

"I've been impressed by the lads here, especially the younger ones like Anton, Elliott and the new boys who have done terrific at the back, but they all go out there with pride and aiming to do their best for the team. This is something West Ham can rely on me to do, when I am called upon, as well."