
Fri, Jan

George gets USL red card.

So­ca War­riors mid­field­er, 28-year-old Kevan George was is­sued a late red card in his Char­lotte In­de­pen­dence 1-0 win over Nashville in the Unit­ed Soc­cer League on Sat­ur­day night.

George who is among the 13 over­seas based play­ers called up by T&T So­ca War­riors coach Den­nis Lawrence in a 20-man squad for the Sep­tem­ber 6th in­ter­na­tion­al Friend­ly against Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates in Spain was first cau­tioned in the 53rd minute be­fore he was shown a sec­ond yel­low in the 85th minute of the match at Matthew Sport­splex Matthew, Car­oli­na.

The red card was the first shown to the Rox­bor­ough-born George in his pro­fes­sion­al club ca­reer.

His in­ter­na­tion­al and club team-mate 26-year-old Care­nage-born Cordelle Cato was not in­clud­ed on the Char­lotte In­de­pen­dence match day ros­ter as re­mains on eight goals for the sea­son.

The win lift­ed Char­lotte In­de­pen­dence to 11th spot with 32 points from 27 match­es in the East­ern Con­fer­ence, six out of the eighth and fi­nal play­off spot held by Nashville.

In form At­u­al­la Guer­ra, who has 14 goals on the sea­son cel­e­brat­ed his re­turn to the na­tion­al team with both as­sists in Charleston Bat­tery 2-2 draw with

Cana­da-born T&T goal­keep­er Greg Ran­jits­ingh’s Louisville City FC, the reign­ing USL cham­pi­ons.

Al­so play­ing the full 90 min­utes was na­tion­al mid­field­er Ne­veal Hack­shaw for Charleston while promis­ing de­fend­er Le­land Archer was an un­used sub­sti­tute.

De­fend­er Car­lyle Mitchell was not called up by Lawrence for the up­com­ing friend­ly played the en­tire match for In­dy Eleven while Nathan Lewis who is back on the na­tion­al squad did not make the 18-man squad in a 1-1 draw with Mekiel Williams’ Rich­mond Kick­ers.

Still in the USA, Eng­land-born de­fend­er Justin Hoyte and his Cincin­nati FC con­tin­ued their hot run with a 2-1 de­feat of Pitts­burgh River­hounds to ex­tend their tal­ly to 60 points from 27 match­es, 13 ahead of Louisville City while River­hounds and Charleston Bat­tery are next with 47 and 46 in third and fourth spot re­spec­tive­ly in the East­ern Con­fer­ence.

To­ba­go-born de­fend­er Ja­mal Jack en­dured a tough out­ing as his Col­orado Springs Switch­backs went un­der to LA Galaxy II, 1-3 to re­main 12th in the West­ern Con­fer­ence with 34 points from 29 match­es, five adrift of the eighth and fi­nal play­off spot.

USA-born mid­field­er An­dre For­tune was not called of the bench in North Car­oli­na FC’s 0-3 loss to Tam­pa Bay Row­dies.

Jones de­liv­er­ing in Bun­desli­ga II

Care­nage-born util­i­ty play­er Jo­evin Jones and his Darm­stadt 98 con­tin­ued their un­beat­en start to the sea­son in the Bun­desli­ga II with a nar­row 1-0 win over FC Hei­den­heim, yes­ter­day.

Jones was re­placed with a 1 minute to go in the match, but his team held on for the third win from four match­es to go to nine points, one be­hind lead­ers FC Cologne.

In Fin­land, T&T strik­er Shah­don Win­ches­ter and his SJK went un­der to KuPS 1-2 while Aubrey David’s VPS drew 1-1 with LAHTI.

Levi Gar­cia’s Ironi Ki­rat Sha­mona was al­so de­feat­ed by a sim­i­lar 1-2 mar­gin in the Is­rael Pre­mier League by Hapoel Roanana with the speedy T&T winger suf­fer­ing a ham­string in­jury three min­utes from the half-time whis­tle to rule him­self out of the in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly against Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates.

Lester Peltier has joined Saudi Arabian First Division team, Al-Mujazzal Club.