
Fri, Jan

T&T's Jack signs with Switchbacks.

COL­ORADO SPRINGS, Unit­ed States – T&T de­fend­er Ja­mal Jack to­geth­er with Ja­maican mid­field­ers Shane Mal­colm and Saeed Robin­son, have been re-signed by Col­orado Springs Switch­backs FC for the up­com­ing 2019 Unit­ed Soc­cer League sea­son.

The club said the trio were im­por­tant to the side and had kept hold of the them to en­sure sta­bil­i­ty, es­pe­cial­ly with sev­er­al oth­er changes ex­pect­ed to be made.

“With as much turnover we will have on the team, it’s im­por­tant to have play­ers fa­mil­iar with the club,” said Switch­backs head coach Steve Trittschuh.

“These three con­tributed a lot last sea­son and I ex­pect them to per­form even bet­ter in 2019.”

Mal­colm, 27, was born in Ja­maica but rep­re­sents Guam in the west­ern Pa­cif­ic, through his pa­ter­nal grand­moth­er.

Over the past two sea­sons, he has made 61 ap­pear­ances for the Switch­backs, and al­so scored six goals and notched five as­sists last sea­son.

Jack played a piv­otal role in the Switch­backs de­fence last sea­son, to be among the USL’s lead­ing de­fend­ers with 191 clear­ances and 28 blocks.

The 30-year-old, who has played twice for T&T So­ca War­riors se­nior team, start­ed each of the club’s 34 reg­u­lar-sea­son games dur­ing the last cam­paign.

Robin­son, mean­while, has al­ready played three sea­sons for the west­ern Unit­ed States out­fit, hav­ing spent two sea­sons there be­tween 2015-16, and then re­turn­ing to the club last sea­son fol­low­ing a one-year stint at North Car­oli­na FC.

The 28-year-old sub­se­quent­ly net­ted five times in 33 ap­pear­ances, pro­duc­ing a strong show­ing in the lat­ter half of the sea­son.

Like Mal­colm, he has nev­er played for the Reg­gae Boyz. - (CMC)