
Fri, Jan

Latapy gets Bajan coaching job.

T&T's for­mer mag­i­cal mid­field­er and youth coach Rus­sell Lat­apy is set to take over the head coach­ing job of the Bar­ba­di­an Na­tion­al team.

A re­port from the Bar­ba­dos me­dia re­vealed this ap­point­ment yes­ter­day and it was con­firmed by a mem­ber of the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion. Lat­apy was coach of the coun­try's Un­der-20, 17 and U-15 teams up to re­cent­ly, but his un­suc­cess­ful stint with the U-20s at the CON­CA­CAF Qual­i­fiers at the IMG Acad­e­my in Braden­ton, Flori­da last year opened the door for him to seek a job else­where, as he al­so en­coun­tered trou­bles to re­ceive wages.

Lat­apy's Un­der-15 Boys team was al­so un­suc­cess­ful. How­ev­er, non-pay­ment of wages, cou­pled with lack of sup­port forced him to down tools and with­hold his ser­vices as coach.

In spite of the fail­ure of the coun­try's U-15 team, Lat­apy was ex­pect­ed to be in charge of the Elite De­vel­op­ment Pro­gramme which is ex­pect­ed to make up the com­ing U-15 teams. This po­si­tion has now been giv­en to Stu­art-Charles Fevri­er, the W Con­nec­tion coach.

On the U-17 team, Lat­apy was re­placed by for­mer na­tion­al strik­er Stern John, who re­cent­ly re­cruit­ed Ken­wyne Jones, an­oth­er ex-T&T goalscor­er, as his as­sis­tant.

Lat­apy will be un­veiled to the pub­lic as the Ba­jan Rockets coach to­mor­row at an of­fi­cial cer­e­mo­ny, the Ba­jan me­dia re­port­ed.