
Fri, Jun

While the support are opening their presents on Christmas morning it will be work as normal for the Dundee players. Although most of the side will have previously been in for training on Christmas Day it will be a new experience for some of the younger members of the Dark Blue squad, and also for keeper Kelvin Jack.

"We didn't play on Boxing Day back home in Trinidad" said Kelvin "and in my first season at Dens I was injured most of the time, so wasn't involved at this time last year."

"We're in at 9.15 on Christmas Day and it will be a normal pre-match working day, but we will get a chance to relax a bit after we finish work. I'll be spending Christmas with my girlfriend and her sister and we're planning to go over to Jason Scotland's house for a nice lunch, nothing too heavy though."

Kelvin told us that he stays in close touch with more of the Scottish based Trinidad players including former Dee Brent Sancho, "I speak to Brent every day" said Kelvin "He's sorted out his differences with Gillingham and is getting on well down there again."

"It's obviously a big year for all of us with the World Cup in the summer and we'll have to prepare properly, the manager is very professional and is sorting out warm up games to ensure that we are ready when we get to Germany, Off the top of my head I think we are playing Norway, Iceland and Paraguay."

"Before that my Dundee team-mates and myself have got a big job to do here at Dundee, It will be hard to get back into a position where we are challenging for promotion, but we've begun to hit a bit of form and need to go on a run of good results."

"Hopefully all our fans will have a good Christmas and be at Dens ready to cheer us on when we face Airdrie on Boxing Day – Merry Christmas to you all."