
Wed, Jun

Marvelous Marvin Andrews made the most divine intervention in the race for second place with two second half goals which clinched a vital win in Ayrshire.

The Caribbean defender scored five minutes into the second half and then headed the clinching third goal 12 minutes from the end and even ended up Rangers captain .

No wonder everyone believes him when he says "Keep Believing".

Rangers looked a ragged side before the introduction of devout Christian Marv and he changed the game in their favour.
His double either side of a Kris Boyd goal means the champs league slot is still a distinct possibility.

Alex McLeish was forced into a change as Soto Kyrgiakos was suspended and he brought in Ian Murray to play beside Julien Rodriguez. Murray had a far busier first half than he might have anticipated.

Killie were full of fire and enthusiasm and it was the Ayrshire side who took the lead after 27 minutes with a well-worked goal but one that Alex McLeish will feel should have been prevented, Gary Wales was allowed to knock down Lindsay Wilson's cross into the path of Colin Nish who was unmarked as he fired a left foot shot past the helpless Waterreus.
In fairness to Rangers, it was Killie's first real effort on goal and they were fortunate that the Ibrox men had not taken the lead 13 minutes earlier.

They have Alan Combe to thank for two marvellous saves which came within a matter of seconds of each other.
Chris Burke cleverly set up Thomas Buffel with a back heel which caught out the Killie defence and the Belgian hammered a right foot shot which Combe managed to block.The ball broke to Gavin Rae and he drilled in an equally powerful shot but Combe was equal to the task again.

It was not until just before half-time that Rangers came as close again.
Buffel should have set up Boyd for a tap-in after good work on the left but over-it his cross and the chance was gone.
It was a tough first half for Rangers who seemed surprisingly laboured with so much at stake.
They should, however, have had a penalty deep into stoppage time when Wilson hauled Buffel to the floor but referee Calum Murray judged that the first contact was outside of the box.

McLeish changed things at half-time by bringing on Marvin Andrews to partner Rodriguez with Murray moving to right back and Hutton coming off.

Clearly it was a move to bolster the back line, but it was at the other end that Andrews made a sudden impact.
Rangers won a free kick 30 yards out on the right side five minutes into the second half after Prso had been fouled by Frazer Wright.

Stevie Smith whipped the ball into the box and Andrews rose superbly to glance a header past Combe and into the left corner of the net.

Andrews' intervention was simply divine and it spurred Rangers on to greater things.
It was almost inevitable that Boyd was score against his old side and the moment came in 64 minutes.
Prso wrestled free on the left side then measured a left foot shot. Boyd got his head to it and his header deflected off Gordon Greer and flew into the right corner.

Rangers suffered a scare in 72 minutes when Gary Wales beat Waterreus with a good header but Murray was in the right place to head clear just in front of his own line.

And then the match was clinched when man of the moment Andrews scored again.Killie failed to deal with a corner in 78 minutes and when the ball was played wide by Boyd to Burke, Combe was in all kinds of trouble as he rushed to the ball.

Burke lifted it over his head and Andrews headed into the empty net from bareky two yards out.
It was astonishing stuff considering the big man had not started a top team game since early February.
Two minutes later, Andrews found himself captain of Rangers when Prso handed him the armband after he was replaced by Nacho Novo.

No wonder Marvin says "Keep Believing".