
Sun, Jul

Triallist Josh Johnson certainly caught the eye in the friendly against Manchester CIty, playing a big role in each of Wrexham's first two goals. With a place on the plane to Northern Ireland assured, He's hoping to catch the eye and secure a permanent move. "I'd love to stay at Wrexham. I'm comfortable here and I get on well with the players.

"Having Dennis Lawrence here is a big help too. It was so exciting watching him and the rest of the boys do well in the World Cup, and it's great to have him here to help me settle in."

The reaction of Wrexham's supporters to Johnson's efforts against Stuart Pearce's team spoke volumes of the effort he put in as he tries to make a good impression:

"I enjoyed myself against Manchester City.  I think I'm an exciting player to watch. I like to run at defenders and try to make things happen.

"I want to make the most of my opportunity with Wrexham and show what I can do, so I wasn't worried about playing against a big team.  It was a chance for me to impress everyone."

A feature of Johnson's play which particularly endeared him to the Racecourse faithful was his willingness to track back and tussle with CIty's hulking winger Ismail Miller.  Indeed, Johnson dumped his much bigger adversary on the floor a couple of times, much to the delight of the fans!

"I don't mind coming back to defend either-it's part of the game!  I like attacking more though!"