
Tue, Jun

Why are you not yet in the Netherlands?
I am currently preparing for the international friendly between Trinidad & Tobago and Costa Rica.

Had you ever heard of Sparta before?
Yes, I knew the name Sparta before they contacted me. I see Dutch competition often on television and it is very exciting. I find it to be one of the best levels of competition in the world.

Your national coach was able to give you some good information?
Yes, Wim Rijsbergen has also told me a lot about Sparta and Dutch football in general. He told me that it is a terrific club and their level of play is also high. I think I can develop very well there and that is a good thing.

Was going to England a dream for you?
Most players from Trinidad & Tobago indeed play in England, but if you want to play there you must have a certain number of international caps as well as meet other criteria. Another aspect is that Dutch competition is less physical than in England.

How would you describe yourself?
I am the top scorer at my old club and you can best compare my style a little bit to Romario. I like ball possession and am explosive and like to bring depth to my game.

See you in mid February!