
Fri, Jun

Trinidad and Tobago Scottish-based defender Brent Sancho suffered a concussion while playing for Dundee in a 2-1 loss to Inverness Thistle on Wednesday and has been advised by doctors to rest for another week.

The incident occurred in the closing minutes of the Premier League encounter when Sancho clashed heads with an opposing player before falling awkwardly on his back. He continued playing but then encountered dizzy spells after the match and was rushed to hospital for observation and x-rays. Fortunately for the former Finnish-based player, no serious damage was evident.

It meant though that he was out of the Dundee line up on Saturday (today) and could only look on from the stands as they lost 3-0 to Hearts. “When I got the blow at the back of the head, I felt a bit dizzy but then I just got up and continued to play because it happened in the heat of the battle,” Sancho told TTFF Media. “But then things got a little bit scary because not only did the dizzy spell continue after the game but then the back pains crept. Fortunately I’ve been able to move around and the doctors didn’t think it was necessary for me to overnight at the hospital. But I’ve been ordered to rest for the next few days because I am still experiencing back pains at the moment.”

He is still hopeful of making a full recovery in time for this country’s next 2006 semi final round World Cup qualifier against St Vincent and the Grenadines at the Hasely Crawford Stadium on November 17.

“I think I should be ready in time for the game because it is yet another important game for us. Not just a good result would be good for us but it is also important that we keep the shape of the team and continue to gel in time for the final round,” Sancho said.

Meantime, there was good news for Stern John as he netted a penalty to equalize for Coventry City as they went on to defeat Reading 3-2 on Saturday while goalkeeper Shaka Hislop was rock solid in Portsmouth’s upset 2-0 win over Manchester United.